Hi Everyone,

What a busy time of year this is. We are on the brink of the Christmas season and preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving as I write.  I must admit, I've already started my Christmas decorating. Okay.....I know it's a bit early, but keep in mind I leave for a Christmas tour and miss much of the enjoyment of being home so why not enjoy it a bit early this year! I'm decking the halls and loving every moment!

It has been a long time since I last sat down to give an update and so many things have happened since that last newsletter..... Our son, Phillip Jr. got married to a beautiful young lady by the name of Sharlenae Dotson, we sold the home place and relocated, we've been around the world and back. (Not really, just feels like it......)

  However, I must say, one of the most exciting things by far is that Phil and I officially became grandparents on November 17, 2014. Emma Olivia Blair made her grand entrance and I think I've had a permanent smile on my face ever since! William and Brooklyn Blair (our oldest daughter and son-in-law) are the proud parents, 'Yours truly' is the proud grandmother, (or at least one of them) and Phil's biggest prayer these days is that I will show some discipline and stay out of the children's department at Macy's Department Store.  He's gonna have to pray real hard on that one! :) What a special gift that little girl is to all of us! We celebrated her first birthday this week. Okay, I'll stop there......(see below for pictures.....you knew that was coming, didn't you!)

A few nuts and bolts;

Our brand new CD titled, That Day Is Coming is officially here. We are loving singing the new music in concert. Let me just take a moment to say that God has given us some powerful new songs on this CD. So many of them will encourage your heart and help you to focus on our Almighty God in the difficult times of your journey. If you, or someone you know, is needing a lift and some encouragement, I believe this CD will do just that.  The songs on this CD may be some of the best we've ever had the privilege to sing in the sixteen years we've been traveling. God sent us some amazing writers this year. If you haven't gotten your copy yet, you can order now at www.TheCollingsworthFamily.com or call the office at 859-689-CFAM (2326). Our office manager, Danette Haddix will happily assist you.  An additional note....if you are planning on ordering for Christmas gifts now is the time. This time of year the office gets very busy in the mailing department so get your orders in early. There are many different titles of CDs and DVDs on the website and also some specials for Christmas. Click here to order.

One more note of interest,  the Collingsworth Family is once again going on the cruise to Alaska with Dr. Stanley this coming July 2016. We would absolutely love for you to join us. The cruise has just recently gone on sale and will be the trip of a lifetime. The entire cruise will be a Christian cruise only, which simply means all casinos and bars will be shut down. It is a wonderful Christian atmosphere with morning Bible studies and great concerts every single night. The scenery on this cruise is absolutely breathtaking! My personal favorite.......just a little bit of Heaven on earth! Greater Vision, Babbie Mason, The Jim Brady Trio, and Karen Peck and New River will be along on this cruise as well. Make your reservations early so you can get the cabin of your choice. I expect it to be a sell out....It usually is every year. We hope you'll join us.  Click here for more info on the cruise.

In closing, I just want to leave you with this thought.  I'm sure most of you have been watching the news lately and seeing the obvious turmoil that our country and this world is in.  There is an unprecedented unrest. Our world, as we know it, is seemingly like a kite without a string. I've watched the news in the past week as Paris, France was attacked by terrorists leaving dozens of their beloved citizens injured and many more killed at the hands of hatred. My heart breaks for those people. In recent months I've shook my head in disbelief as our own beloved country appears barbaric at times with such things as selling baby parts, and audacious at best, in trying to re-define marriage.  We are seeing things come to pass that I personally never dreamed I would see in my generation. Perhaps the most troubling is that some churches have decided to cave to the pressure and join the ranks of embracing things that God clearly defines in his Word as sin. Make no mistake, this is a time when we need to embrace and seek the Truth. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Seeking Truth means seeking Jesus! Following hard after him and embracing his Word....... all of it! It's not popular in this culture to do so, but then again, Jesus never said that it would be popular. You're not favored among some when you stand for truth, but the end result of seeking man's favor versus being faithful and obedient to God are worlds apart. It is not our job as Christians to bash the one that doesn't agree with God's word, that's the opposite of Christ, but in love and compassion we are to be faithful to them and speak the truth boldly in the name of Jesus. Yes, that is our mission in the coming days. Not to retreat in fear when there are so many opposing voices screaming around us, but to embrace and stand for righteousness and truth and proclaim Jesus to this world. We must keep our eyes on the prize, remain steady and watchful, and never forget that one day every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  EVERY knee, EVERY tongue.....

So, be encouraged, be faithful, pray fervently, seek Truth diligently, witness to lost people intentionally, remain joyful, love like never before, put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against the wiles of Satan, and remember, Jesus told us, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!"

I wish you all the most joyous Thanksgiving and Christmas season....(it's almost here!)

I love you all,