February 11, 2023

Dear Rockford Reformed Church Family and Friends,

A few things to note for this Super Bowl weekend… We have sunshine, warmer air, and most importantly, we get to worship our Savior together and soak in his glorious Word. James Karsten is excited to preach about “living generously” and what that looks like from Deuteronomy 15:7-11. When I return on 2/19, I will begin a sermon series called “Priorities” where we will see how to thrive against all our spiritual, technological, and cultural pressures toward a chaotic, soul-draining busyness. How can we manage our time and life so that Jesus and his kingdom are truly first? Some of you wisely read and study the text and context beforehand and so, the first sermon will be based on Ephesians 5:15-17. I am grateful for the way we pray for and come hungry to the Word preached.

Please pray for me this weekend as I will be preaching and teaching for a West Michigan church that is struggling through decline and conflict. Pray that God’s Spirit will graciously convict, encourage, and transform hearts so that they can make a renewing turn toward Jesus, each other, and their mission. I do this, in part, because we want to think, act, and pray beyond ourselves—always making Christ’s kingdom our priority.

The congregational meeting and vote for separating from the RCA to join the ARC has now been set for March 5 following our worship service. More details, including how to vote absentee, will be sent in the next several days.

The petition to separate from the RCA that our consistory sent to our classis explained why we should leave by saying, “There is a diminishing unity, cooperation, harmony, trust, and agreement on many foundational biblical and theological concerns. An ineffective structure (such as dependence on Synod action and/or two-thirds of classes) has stalled the church’s ability to accomplish mission and to restore/correct wayward pastors, churches, classes, synods, and professors of theology who undermine clear scriptural, confessional, and doctrinal positions.”

And then, our explanation for why the effectiveness of our local church would be enhanced by joining the ARC included the following: “Our Vision 2028 involves a gospel-centered culture and equipping that leads to community gospel influence, planting churches, outreach/evangelism, and making disciples who make disciples. Affiliating with the ARC and ARC-neighboring churches who are passionately and effectively working toward a common mission will better equip us to live out our vision and promote the coming of Christ’s kingdom in our community. The ARC churches/leaders have history, experience, and a common passion for church planting, growth, Organic Outreach, Organic Discipleship, mission, and biblical orthodoxy. We welcome this opportunity to work together toward a clear and common mission in the context of an organizational culture that is unfettered by conflict, confusion, and error. We believe that this alignment, in the context of unity and peace, will provide a culture where leaders and churches are actively loving, supporting, equipping, mutually learning, and holding each other accountable toward faithfulness, bearing fruit, and gathering a harvest for our King and his kingdom—all for his glory.”

On Tuesday, seven of our leaders joined a gathering of about 110 leaders for exploring the launch of the ARC West Michigan Catalyst Network (WMCN) at Fellowship Reformed Church. The unfettering and fruit are already beginning to emerge. There are five member churches so far and many more who will be added soon for the purpose of supporting one another toward mission, transformation, multiplication, accountability, prayer, and equipping (Click here for the WMCN vision, mission, and values). There was a loud buzz of conversations, mutual trust, and excitement around a discussion of next steps for mission together. We noted how it was a stark contrast to our experiences over the last several years and a deep encouragement.

We have 28 students and 7 leaders who are participating in their winter retreat at Pine Ridge Camp this weekend around the theme of “Identity.” The ministry is growing as our kids are inviting friends and I urge you to pray for our leaders and students. Pray that God’s Spirit and a vision of his kingdom will capture their hearts and equip them all for the powerful resistance of our culture.

I look forward to seeing many of you for tubing at Cannonsburg on Wednesday. Planning is well underway for the Trivia Night on March 24. Extend invitations to friends and neighbors to join us. When we met as a consistory on Thursday, we reviewed the large number of those who are new and joining us on a regular basis. We all have work to do with hospitality, extending invitations, and opening our hearts and lives for new relationships!

He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. Our Lord is just getting started in and through us.

Grateful to be serving with you all,

Pastor Tim

Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341

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