October 14, 2023

Dear Rockford Reformed Church Family and Friends,

Greetings to all, it’s time for an update for several items… The fall season means that we are already preparing for the New Year with our budget planning and selecting elder and deacon candidates. Look for a separate email soon that will explain the process and provide an opportunity for you to nominate candidates for serving.

We noted earlier that we have been forming a security committee and team who will be working to increase security for our gatherings each week. Over the last several weeks, we have begun implementing some first steps that include a person who is occasionally watching/walking through the parking lot. We are also locking all doors about ten minutes after worship begins, and then have a person monitoring the two entry doors to allow recognized latecomers in through those doors. In addition, you are encouraged to keep valuables out of sight in your vehicles.

Financially, through September, ministry and missions giving totaled just over $474,000 which is over $50,000 short of budgeted expense. Our expenses are also less than budget so that we have an accumulated deficit of $18,000. A deficit is not uncommon during this time of year because our giving lags in the summer months. BUT, this also means that this is the time for us to catch up with the giving of God’s tithes and offerings!

You will soon receive an update on the renovation project and our giving toward the Welcome campaign. I look forward to focusing on this over the first two weeks of November. We want our giving to reflect Jesus’ sacrifice and giving for us. Paul strongly urged believers when he wrote that “…whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6–7) Pray for God’s Spirit to overwhelm all of us with a spirit of generosity that honors his stunning, generous grace for us.

Our Focal Point gatherings have been a great encouragement as all ages have gathered for worship, connection, fellowship, and learning together. The singing with just a guitar and cajon has been especially uplifting. The renovation literally puts us in a tight spot for having space to dine together, but we are making the adjustments and getting it done. Thank you to all who are wonderfully preparing, serving, and leading in many ways!

James Karsten is transitioning into another part-time role. See his update below.

The challenges and resistance for taking up our post in his kingdom are intensifying. Our world and community need the hope and peace of Jesus more than ever. And so, there has never been a more urgent need for our prayers for peace in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, in our own hearts, and in the hearts of our neighbors. Despite the great struggles, we can always go forward with great hope in our sovereign King who is perfectly working a plan until he comes again in all of his glory. We pray that he comes quickly.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Tim


Dear friends,

As the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC) continues to grow, so has the need for organization of the different Networks. Rockford Reformed is part of the Michigan Catalyst Network which is currently comprised of 19 churches. I was asked to consider becoming the Executive Director of the MCN in July, and as of October 1 have stepped into that role. It is a part-time position, and one I am still figuring out. I said yes after much prayer and having many conversations with Pastor Tim. I love this congregation and believe that God is doing a mighty work here that I want to remain part of. Going forward, I will continue to preach/teach as asked or needed, along with participating to the best of my ability with staff and consistory. With this new commitment, I will be scaling back on some of my other involvement and will likely be on the road visiting other churches in the Network one or two Sundays a month. I remain committed to walking along side and supporting all of you, Tim, and the vision of Rockford Reformed.

James Karsten

Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341

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