Rockford Reformed Church
Dear Rockford Reformed Church Family,

Merry Christmas! As we enjoy the holidays and make the turn into a New Year, here are some details that may be of interest to you. First, as I noted at the end of our worship on Sunday, I am delighted to accept the call that you have extended for me to serve as your next installed pastor. At this point, I am glad to just be along for the ride for whatever God is doing here. A key text for my personal mission statement is “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth” (Col. 1:6). This is what we will passionately pursue together—the gospel bearing fruit and growing as we absorb God’s grace in all its truth. Ruth and I are very grateful for your overwhelming encouragement to us in many ways. Thank you for the prayers, cards, gifts, and love that you have extended to us.

A worship service of installation is the final step in this process and this service has been scheduled for 3pm on Sunday, January 13. Members of our classis (elders and pastors from other churches) will be a part of this service in which we formalize the relationship between pastor and congregation. This can all be a bit stuffy but we will make it a great time of celebration and worship with a reception following. So plan to join us for this important event for our church family.

In other news, I had mentioned that we are ready for developing a fresh vision and plan toward our church’s future. And so last week, our consistory became excited about entering into a “God Dreams” process that will begin with a retreat that has been scheduled for February 22-23. Doug McClintic will facilitate this retreat with key leaders that will include consistory members and staff. We will set specific goals toward a 5-7 year vision in an effort toward vision competency and concrete action for the “gospel bearing fruit and growing.” We will provide additional details in the weeks ahead but you can also learn more about this process at .

I am really looking forward to our Sunday and Christmas Eve services. Some of you have been wonderfully inviting family and friends to join us for worship and these two services will again be great opportunities for that. It’s not easy for our guests to think about starting fresh and enter into a new place and community. They are looking for authenticity in you and me, meaningful worship, and the gospel with application for their life. AND they need community, relationships, and friendship. Will you take up your post to go on the hunt for those who might be searching, introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, and look for ways to invite them into your home and life? We love as we are loved and open ourselves up to the stranger just as Jesus opened himself up to us.

Our Life Group participation has jumped up significantly this fall and it is one great way to welcome people into a life-sustaining web of relationships. If you have questions or are looking to join a group, contact Pam Jacobs who is doing some great work in organizing and energizing this vital ministry.

Finally, as we noted at our congregational meeting, God has graciously provided through your generous giving this year—about $100,000 given so that we could burn the mortgage AND our general fund giving is wonderfully exceeding our expenses. As I watched the KidLife Christmas program last night, I realized how many of you are also investing into kids and other ministries. Our giving reminds us to live with a generous, open hand—in the same way that God relates to us. We serve and give and lay ourselves down just as Jesus serves and gives and has laid himself down for us. 

You know, in the New Year, we will be changed. I look forward with great hope for what he will do in us and through us for his glory.

Grace, peace, and love,

Pastor Tim
Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341