Hafa Adai,
In response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),
StayWell’s attention has been focused on how to ensure the health and safety of our families, staff, and community. The World Health Organization has labeled COVID-19 a global pandemic. Our attention must be on prevention and precaution, coverage, and the short- and long-term economic impact of COVID-19 on families and communities.
As your insurance provider, we have developed a plan that ensures you will be supported during this pandemic.
Our plan addresses a goal to help contain and reduce the possible risk of spreading COVID-19 amongst our employees, customers and community while we continue to service you and maintain as much normalcy as possible.
The steps incorporated in our plan include:
- Limited office visitations and by appointment only
- Limited acceptance of cash
- Enhanced office cleaning with sanitation
- 14-day self-quarantine for employees that return from off island travel
- Suspension of non-essential business travel
We will serve our customers electronically and telephonically
. Customers may also mail in or submit documents through our physical drop box located at the front entrance of our office.
For inquiries, call Customer Service:
(671) 477-5091
Email: customercare@staywellguam.com
(670) 323-4260
Email: saipan.office@staywellguam.com
We will continually monitor the news and updates from Guam & CNMI Public Health, Department of Health (PH), World Health Organization, the CDC, and other agencies regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will adapt our response accordingly.
We urge our community to take all necessary precautions to protect each other and treat all with compassion and kindness.
Visit our
for more updates and information.