June 2020
"As to the past, let us entrust it to God's mercy. The future to divine providence. Our task is to live holy the present moment."
St. Gianna Molla, patron saint of mothers, physicians, and unborn children
Through uncertain times, let us allow the Holy Spirit to help us turn outward, in loving service to our neighbor. Read on to discover the ways PREPARES has responded to the needs created by COVID-19 and other updates for the months ahead.
Photo courtesy NW Catholic, from the article "CCS, Parishes Distribute Thousands of Diapers to Families in Need During COVID-19.
Click here
to read the full story.
COVID-19 may have disrupted the ways PREPARES ministers to families, but it has not prevented us from delivering needed supplies across Western Washington. In the first twelve days of our statewide lockdown, PREPARES coordinated a "COVID Diaper Response" involving staff, volunteers and donors in six counties.
In just 12 days, 4,949 diapers were distributed to 286 families, and PREPARES received generous grants from several community organizations to keep up this work while families need help more than ever. We anticipate that this diaper response format will continue through the end of June.
How did it happen?
While volunteers are delivering diapers purchased with community grants, a number of parishes across Western Washington also held Diaper Drives and are hosting Curbside Pick-Up hours for families every week to access diapers, wipes and other necessary baby items. Diaper donations and pick-ups are happening curbside while observing social distancing. Could your PREPARES team be equipped to coordinate a diaper drive? Let us know how we can help!
Photo courtesy NW Catholic
A Facebook Connection
Last week, a mom messaged us on Facebook requesting diapers. A volunteer was able to leave diapers on her front doorstep, and she reached out in thanks saying she was so touched and encouraged by the delivery-she'd only had six diapers left!
Planning for the Future in Uncertain Times
We've collectively wavered between wondering "when will things get back to normal?" to "what exactly
the new normal?" While our staff is busy imagining how our ministry and methods of service delivery might look different in the future, we continue to observe the governor's phased reopening plan and will also plan on PREPARES resuming operations, with room for adjustments, to work in tandem with the reopening of our parishes. We are looking forward to providing you with these plans in the near future, and for now we thank you for your commitment to PREPARES and the families we serve!
This beautiful prayer card was designed by the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, and we hope you will join us in praying for expectant moms everywhere!
A Word From Our New Director, Aleah Patulot
Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm thrilled to join you in ministry to moms, babies and families, and have been glad to know and love PREPARES for years. I helped bring PREPARES to All Saints Parish in Puyallup, where I worked for several years before joining Catholic Community Services as Project Rachel Program Coordinator in 2018.
And now it is my great joy to begin work alongside you to build the Kingdom of God through honoring the precious gift of life and the sacred bonds of motherhood and family. My prayer for this time of learning, encountering all of you and the families we serve and growing in the position of PREPARES Director is that the Holy Spirit transforms me, as the Spirit does any time we venture outside ourselves to love and serve our neighbor.
Thank you for your service, even amidst a global health emergency, your faith and your commitment to this good work. May God's blessings of peace, health and joy be with you!
Aleah, Erin, Carol, Teresa, and Lisa
PREPARES of Western Washington Team
100 - 23rd Ave South, Seattle, WA 98144
Job Announcement:!
Program Coordinator - Project Rachel and PREPARES
This is a position combining the coordination of Project Rachel and providing operational support to the PREPARES program. The Project Rachel Coordinator is responsible for providing direct service to women and men impacted by abortion as well as the coordination of retreats, volunteers and awareness efforts. The PREPARES Operations Coordinator is the primary interface to families who are referred to PREPARES for assistance and provide administrative support to the larger PREPARES organization through social media, maintaining relationships with referral sources, and volunteer support. To apply please click this
link or contact Aleah Patulot with questions at
Please consider joining us in walking the journey with families in your own parish community. For more information please visit our website at
If you know of others who might be interested in volunteering and or learning more about PREPARES, please forward them this message or have them contact us directly.