Volume 10 | December 2023

Soul Connections Monthly Newsletter!

Peaceful & Loving Holiday Season

From My Family To Yours.

On Christmas Eve, My family Honored our heritage

by wearing our traditional hand embowered Palestinian dresses.

Blessed is the season which engages our earth in compassion, love and Peace for all. 

Dear Soulful Leader Community, 

As we come to the end of 2023. I want to take this moment to wish you and your families a loving and peaceful 2024. We are so grateful for your loyalty and your ongoing support. It’s because of members like you our Soulful Leader Community continues to evolve.

Whether you're a private client, or have attended one of our in-person circles or joined our Soulful Leader Virtual Gatherings, we want you to know how much you are valued and appreciated for your commitment to our growing community.  

We are creating new online soulful leader global events with even MORE connections in 2024, and we look forward to welcoming more Soulful Leaders into our movement of love, peace as we move into the age of unity on our planet.

Thank you for those who are doing the work at this important time in our world. Collectively, we are shaping our Soulful Leader Community’s culture. United in community, we can make a big difference. Thank you for being curious, supportive and committed. 

You are loved and appreciated. Here’s to a more peaceful 2024. Happy New Year!

Soulful blessings,

Sahar Nafal

You are invited to join us on Jan. 19th, at our upcoming Soulful Leader Gathering—An Online Global Event

United in Community

How to Assist in Moving Into the Age of Unity

Scroll down for more information...

Welcome to Our Soulful Leader Global Gatherings!

Mark your Calendars

for Our Soulful Leader Global Gathering

Friday, Jan 19th:

United in Community:

How to Assist in Moving Into the Age of Unity

9:00am-11am PT (via Zoom)

Dear Soulful Community,

2023 was a turning point in shaping the future of our humanity. We ended the with global disharmony, including the outbreaks of conflict and the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives.

On the other hand, 2023 was also a year of major spiritual awakening for many. It shook up the collective; a year of profound changes, shifts and transformation; a time for releasing the old and beginning to welcome a new way of uniting humanity. 

What if we collectively envision a world where we are moving out to the age of matter, dogmatisms, division and separation, and into an age of unity. 

On Jan. 19th,we invite you to our Soulful Leader Online Gathering, as I am guided to share this important and timely topic of "United in Community: How to Assist in Moving Into the Age of Unity."

We will discuss how you can assist the shift in a powerful way from a place of love and peace. And we'll learn new methods and rituals for navigating earth's energy so you can be aligned with your mission of serving at this time.

We look forward to seeing you, dear beautiful souls! 

Love, Peace & Unity

Sahar Nafal

To view the replay of our Oct. Soulful Virtual Circle, click here: Your Gift is Your Validation.

Join Our Soulful Leader Global Gathering

A Gifted Energy Clearing Session

From Sahar with Love

If your soul could use some support and healing at this time, please know that I am here for you. As gratitude for the loving and caring support from our Soulful Leader Community members, I am guided to gift 10 Soulful Energy Clearing/Reading Sessions to those who have not yet experienced my work.

To receive your gift, schedule your session using the link below. I look forward to serving you

* These sessions are for those who have not yet been gifted a soul clearing session with Sahar.

Schedule Your Gifted Session

December Wisdom Share

What Do You Desire to Be Different in 2024?

I loved witnessing the transformation and what was possible to be different for my clients in 2023. So many new, healthier relationships formed, as old toxic ones were courageously released. We also celebrated joyous weddings, career transitions and promotions, as well as family healing and reunions. We accomplished business growth and generated more income. Health was restored and joy and love were expanded. 

With all of that, I want to extend a special thank you to my loyal clients who continue to trust me in guiding them with overcoming life's challenges—both personally and professionally—as they create a more balanced and on purpose lives with more joy and ease.

As we say goodbye to 2023, I invite you to reflect on what you desire to be different in 2024. Let us move into the new year with intentions to create a different way of BEing.

I invite you to take some time to be in nature. Connecting to earth is a powerful way of releasing what’s no longer serving you and calling in what you desire for 2024. Then I encourage you to get a new journal and write down your intentions in the following five areas: 

  • Health, Wellness and Self Care
  • Money, Wealth and Income
  • Relationships (Welcoming New and/or Healthier Relationships)
  • Spirituality and Personal Growth
  • Giving Back and Being of Service

One your complete, release and trust the Unknow the Unseen and the unimagined to flow to you.

Please email us with your questions; [email protected]

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New Way Of BEing
with Sahar


Sahar works with conscious leaders and influencers who desire to play a meaningful role in shifting and healing our humanity. Those who perhaps sense that the world is at a turning point and yet they are unsure and unclear about which direction to go.

For the past 15 years, she has supported thousands to expand their awareness, consciously evolve, and go deep within to achieve more balance and ease in their lives so they can make a bigger impact. 


Sahar's Soulful Energy Clearing methods, as well her mediumship readings, help her clients heal by soothing their pain, confusion and uncertainty, and releasing whatever is blocking them from finding relief. 

Sahar's natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and mediumship are passed down from her ancestors.

Her in-person and virtual circles hold space for healing and expansion for everyone who attends.

If you are called to learn more about Sahar’s Soul Guidance Private Mentorship and Readings, please schedule a conversation with her. 

Email out team at [email protected]

Join Us on Social Media

Join us to engage, collaborate, connect, and be SEEN AND BE HEARD by thousands of beautiful souls on social media. We don't want to leave anyone behind as we spread our wings and share our light together!

Click on the icons to join the Soulful Leader community on social media!