Bi-Cultural Day School
This Week in Pre-K...
"Teaching Minds...Reaching Hearts." 
Letter of the Week
Visual recognition of the letter Uu
Listening for words that start with the letter Uu
Cutting and pasting pictures that begin with the letter Uu
Forming the letter Uu in sand
Writing the letter Uu with pencils and markers

look   up    see      is      to      we      
the     go     at       day    cat     on     it 

Rhyme Time
March Comes in Like a Lion
The Umbrella
Orla's Upside Down Day
Dr. Seuss books

"Every child is an artist."
~Pablo Picasso
Last week we splatter painted pictures following the technique of Jackson Pollock.  Mr. Pollock is famous for placing canvases on the floor and splashing paint across them to create beautiful designed.  Needless to say, the children had a wonderful time!
"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy." 
~Ludwig Van Beethoven
Purim songs and dancing 

"Play is the answer to how anything new comes about."
~ Jean Piaget

Social Emotional Skills
Talking about how the characters in our favorite books are feeling.
Social Studies
How our school family is like our family at home.
Drawing upside down pictures
Recreating a scene from a Dr. Seuss book.

"We cannot solve problems with the same logic we used to create them."
~ Albert Einstein

  • Singing the names of the days of the week.
  • Rapping the names of the months of the years.
  • Graphing the number of sunny days in February.
  • Reading the class weather graph to see which month has the most and least sunny days.
  • Predicting the number of sunny days in March.
  • Using individual graphs to keep track of the number of lion and lamb days in March.
What causes the wind?

"אם תרצו אין זו אגדה"
Theodor Herzl

Judaic Studies
Vayakhel - On Yom Kippur Moshe came down from Har Sinai and gave the second Luchot  (Ten Commandments) to Bnai Yisrael.

4 Mitzvot of Purim: We hear the Megillah, send shalach manot, give tzedakah and have a Purim seudah
King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordechai, Haman
Megillah Esther

Questions of the Week
What is the Mishkan?
Ans. Holy Tent
What did Moshe put in the ark?
Ans. The Luchot

Learning about chocolate (shokolad) and different kinds of chocolate in Hebrew.
Chocolate song.
We tasted chocolate on Monday.
Following directions in Hebrew.


Wednesday, March 2nd is Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday.  Please send your child to school with their favorite Dr. Seuss book or another book to share with the Pre-K students.  Thank you!