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Independent, Science-Based Evidence To Empower Canadians

Issue 2023 - Week 22       View this newsletter in your browser

Hello Sonya,

At the Canadian Covid Care Alliance we are dedicated to sharing evidence-based information to empower Canadians to remain safe and healthy.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This week we share presentations and research demonstrating the pathology findings in people who have received the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. Tissue samples confirm the distribution of the mRNA products throughout the body. This was a concern for scientists and health care professionals early in the roll-out period of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.

We also share a printable brochure about the techniques used by authorities to influence our behaviours. We hope you will print and share this useful document to stimulate discussion about why society seems to have changed during the past few years.

Have You Been Nudged?

Have you wondered why people are acting in ways you would never have expected prior to 2020? The CCCA's Mental Health Research Committee has produced a printable brochure outlining the techniques used to change public behaviour over the past 3 years. Use this printable guide to help you and your friends recognize some of these techniques when they are used again, not just for COVID-19. A reference list for this document is available on our website.

Access Guide & Reference List

Dr. Michael Palmer Presentation on Diagnosing Spike Protein Damage

Dr. Michael Palmer is a medical doctor with extra training in molecular biology. He presented to the CCCA’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee regarding the pathological findings in people who have experienced medical issues after receiving the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. Using pathology slides and supporting evidence from the literature, he demonstrated the importance of immunohistochemical staining to establish or disprove the role of the spike protein in the diffuse tissue damage.

Watch Presentation

New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the COVID-19 Vaccine

A German autopsy report of three previously healthy individuals who died suddenly after receiving the COVID-19 genetic vaccines has been published. The report concludes that the deaths were likely caused by heart damage from the mRNA vaccines. This article from the Brownstone Institute provides an overview of this report and a link to a video by Dr. John Campbell explaining its findings.

Read Article

Arne Burkhardt Presentation to the CCCA

Professor Burkhardt is a German pathologist and researcher. He presented the findings of the ongoing work from an international team of pathologists to the CCCA's Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee. His research group have reviewed pathology specimens from people with new onset of symptoms or who have died following COVID-19 genetic vaccinations. He explained how to differentiate damage following natural infection with that following vaccination. He presented tissue samples to illustrate the distribution of the spike protein following COVID-19 genetic vaccination and its associated damage.

Watch Video

Australian Vaccine Biodistribution Data

Dr. John Campbell analyzes a document that was released through a Freedom of Information Act Request in Australia. The document contains the preclinical trial data for the BNT162b2 COVID-19 genetic vaccines. This report supports the Japanese biodistribution data revealed by Dr. Byram Bridle and his team in 2021. The lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), the vesicles that carry the synthetic mRNA, do not remain at the injection site as stated by authorities. The LNPs are distributed throughout the body. Of particular concern is that they concentrate in vital organs including the liver, spleen, and ovaries. We do not know the potential long-term impact on health or reproduction. It was for these reasons the CCCA submitted a petition to the Canadian Parliament requesting halting the use of these products in children, and adults of reproductive age, particularly pregnant women, until high quality randomized control trials were published.

Watch Analysis

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is sharing this initiative created by an independent organization to raise awareness about the topic and to encourage your consideration.

The National Citizen's Inquiry

The National Citizens Inquiry held its final hearings in Ottawa in mid May. Commissioners heard testimonies from international experts on COVID-19 and learned of Canadians' experiences from government policy. You may watch the recorded testimonies on their Rumble channel.

Visit NCI Rumble

CAERS is an adverse event reporting system separate from government and public health agencies across Canada, determined to provide an accurate depiction of possible adverse events individuals have experienced due to the COVID-19 vaccine inoculation program.

Contact CAERS.

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Our alliance of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, health care practitioners, and lawyers is committed to providing top-quality and balanced, evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored as quickly as possible.

Reach Us Directly At:

[email protected]

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Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional.  In no way should anyone infer that we, even though we are physicians, are practicing medicine; it is for educational purposes only. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material in this email to your specific situation. NEVER stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency contact your emergency services (911).


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