Horses change kids. Kids change the world.
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,

Horses change kids. Kids change the world. And right now, our kids are struggling, and their struggle is real. Blame it on the pandemic, peer pressures, parents, teachers, tensions in school, technology, or a sign of the times from the steady stream of anti-social media. The list is never ending. Bottom line, our kids don’t feel safe. That’s where we come in. The Pony Express Equine Assisted Skills for Youth has provided many things over the course of many years. What we are most proud of is that we have provided a safe and protected place without judgement for kids to share space with horses since our inception in 1982. 

Our kids say it best. What I love most about my horse is that she just listens to me and does not try and fix me. Attunement. Horses do in nature what humans don't always naturally do. Allow us to be seen, heard, felt, and understood. Horses get us and accept us, without judgement. Something that is very difficult to find and feel in this world today. Yet horses do it for free, and freely. 

Is the solution to the perils that are plaguing our youth today that simple? No, but what a great place to start. Everyone needs a safe and protected space, and we have been that place for four decades. It’s like Mr. Ed said, it’s a horse of course. To which we add, who will help you stay the course. The rest is up to you. To quote our friend Buck Brannaman, "You have to have some try." So, try it. The Pony Express Equine Assisted Skills for Youth. An opportunity to be out in nature and hug a horse who will hold a space for you to feel a real true heart-felt sense of safety that will leave you feeling renewed. Over one million kids can’t be wrong. Thank you!
Wanted Horse Kids and Kids that Love Horses!
Our Equine Assisted Skills for Youth Program is now open for registration. For more information, please check out our website at
Special Thanks to
 Buck Brannaman!
Please watch our video- Horses, Fires, & Friends. As Buck says, " the money comes when you're doing good things." We are dedicated to helping make good things happen for both horses and humans. From tragedy to triumph, we are working diligently to bring The Pony Express Ranch and our programs back to life for the many horses and humans who have called our home, their home for four decades.
Your Donations Do Make a Difference!
For More Information-Please Visit Our Website at
The Pony Express
Equine Assisted Skills for Youth
Making Our Come Back
Stronger than Our Setback!

So Grateful for Your Support!

Thank you Bar ALE!
Thank you Jackie & Larry Simons!
Thank you Western Farm!
Please Donate Today!