Volume: III Issue: 4 June, 2021 . SHS Home . Alumni Page . Giving.
A Place to Belong is brought to you by Shady Hill’s Communications and Advancement Offices in collaboration with the Alumni Board. Now, more than ever, we are committed to sharing news that reminds us all how vibrant and innovative Shady Hill continues to be, while forever embracing the mission and values you hold so dear. 
All-Alumni Assembly Coming Up June 4th
All alumni are invited to join Mark Stanek, Cheryl Bruun (who's retiring this spring after 37 years on faculty), a panel of eighth graders, and other special guests at the Shady Hill All-Alumni Assembly.

Tune in to the Zoom webinar, a 45-minute program of short, lively presentations to hear what changed at Shady Hill as a result of the pandemic -- and what did not. 

Friday June 4th 4:00PM

Use the link above to pre-register for the All-Alumni Assembly. Advance registration is required, using the same email you use for your Zoom account.

Many reunion classes are holding Zoom socials either before or after the All-Alumni Assembly. Click here to see the schedule for reunion specifics. Ongoing alumni unity is a wonderful thing!
May Day 2021 Recap
While we couldn’t all gather on the Green together, virtual May Day all-school Assembly still showcased the wonderful, time-honored Shady Hill tradition.

Click here to watch the virtual May Day Assembly recording.
May Day of Giving a Success!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the #MayDayofGiving campaign to unlock two challenge matches! Together as a community, more than 380 friends of Shady Hill participated in our giving day. The Shady Hill Fund is a crucial component of the operating budget, fueling our mission of joyful learning. Thank you!
A Peek into Classrooms: Grade VI

Students in Grade VI Humphrey performed a re-telling of the epic of Sundiata: The Lion King of Mali. Sundiata is credited with founding the great empire of Mali in the early 13th century. Students acted out and retold the tale from three characters' perspectives: Sumanguru, Sassouna, and Sundiata. 

Click here to see the performance. 
A Peek into Classrooms: Grade IV

As a part of the structures unit in science class, Grade IV students built tiny houses with Ms. Small. After learning about biome structures, each student picked a Greek god to move off Mount Olympus and into a dwelling suitable for their chosen environment.
Musical Performance
Talented seventh and eighth grade students showcased their acting skills in March in a virtual musical, “SUPER HAPPY AWESOME NEWS!” The plot centers around two siblings who launch rival good news networks and find themselves competing for the title of the happiest news show.

You can watch the musical recording here.
Social Justice Day
Photo: Pamela Brooks '67 TTC'75 and Deborah Mendelsohn '67 kicked off Shady Hill's fourth annual Social Justice Day 
On May 26, two alumni from the Class of 1967 gave the keynote address (via Zoom) for the Middle School's fourth annual Social Justice Day. Lifelong friends Pamela Brooks '67 TTC'75 and Deborah Mendelsohn '67 recounted how they bonded over their shared experience of having parents on the front lines of the civil rights struggle -- a political stance they said their teacher did not share. Our students were riveted by the alums' personal history, and how it led them to lifelong social activism. Students responded with exuberant applause when Pam and Deborah ended their talk by singing one of the call-and-response protest songs from the era. Click here for a recording.

Social Justice Day at Shady Hill follows a conference format, with a blend of outside speakers and faculty-led workshops, across grades and groups, to deepen our Middle School students' understanding of identity, oppression, and ways to be allies and changemakers.
Standing Up To Anti-Asian Violence and Discrimination
The World Languages faculty collaborated on a project this spring in which students used their blossoming Spanish, Mandarin and French language skills to create memorials in honor of the victims of the Atlanta shootings. The memorials, placed in three visible spots around the Shady Hill campus, consist of poems, letters to government officials, paragraphs about the victims' lives, drawings and photos. Meaningful communication was the driving force, as students learned about and expressed themselves in the target languages. The resulting memorials invite the Shady Hill community to pause, think, and recognize the full humanity of the victims.
Calling all Donors!
The school year and budget year are quickly coming to a close. With the costly measures needed to run Shady Hill safely this year, we need "all hands on deck" by the June 30th deadline, to support this year's in-person learning. Gifts of all sizes are meaningful!

Please make your gift here today!
Stay Connected with Shady Hill
Did you recently move or change your phone number? Update your contact information to stay connected with Shady Hill and receive the latest updates on the School, alumni events and a copy of the Shady Hill Magazine, coming out this summer!

Update your contact information here.
Are you following the Shady Hill Alumni Spotlight series on social media? We welcome nominations of inspiring alumni to feature! Whether their work relates to the medical response to COVID, its economic fallout, or the fight for social justice, email your suggestions to [email protected] or submit your nominations here.
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