A Prayer for 2025 & the Weekly Update from Holy Faith | |
A Prayer for the 7th Day of Christmas and a New Year
As the clock turns from one year to the next,
we say thank you, God.
The year changes,
but God's love stays the same.
Thank you for the year that has passed.
Thank you for the year to come.
Each new year brings new joys and new concerns.
No matter what this new year brings,
one thing will be true:
God will be with us each and every day.
Make us ready for whatever will come this year.
We start the new year with joy and hope. Amen.
-- adapted from Traci Smith's "Prayers for the 12 Days of Christmas and Epiphany"
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“The Chosen” Watch Parties for Season 3 | |
Our next episode is Thursday, January 2nd. Doors open ~6:00-6:15 for food, etc. We’ll begin the episode ~6:30. Watch with us, or, if you can only join us at ~7:30 for the discussion. If you wish to join via Zoom, please email ltvenable@att.net for the Zoom link.
Questions? contact Lori Venable (ltvenable@att.net) or Chris Martin cmartin127@gmail.com)
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On Tuesday, January 7th, Adult Education resumes with a special class taught by Dr. Diane Jacobs on the Magi. Join us at 10:30 am in the parish hall. | |
Save the Date: Immigration Q&A Tuesday, January 14th, 7 PM | |
Dee Dee McVety, Director for Faith-Centered Engagement at Samaritas Ministry, and Jessica Beamer, Chair of the ELCA SEMI Synod Immigration & Refugee Task Force will be at Holy Faith to answer our questions about immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Michigan.
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Death & Dying Discussion Group, Wednesday, January 22nd, 10:30 am | |
There will be a Death & Dying discussion group meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 10:30 am with Bill Knight, DDS, MS presenting to us on Medical Aid in Dying. All are welcome.
Questions should be directed to Janet Cook, Outreach Coordinator at janet.cook114@gmail.com
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Donate Non-Perishable Food for Hope Clinic Sack Lunches | |
Collection bins are in the narthex waiting for shelf stable
food for sack lunches. Suggestions: granola bars, fruit cups, microwavable meal cups such as ravioli and mac n cheese; beef jerky, pretzels, applesauce, tuna salad kits, crackers and peanut butter, microwaveable soup, juice boxes, and bottled water. Please only items that do not need preparation and are light-weight. They will be assembled at the MLK, Jr Workshop for children.
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A Few Volunteers Needed for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Kids’ Workshop | |
Volunteers are needed on Monday, January 20, 2025, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. to do one or more of the following:
1) help greet children as they arrive; 2) Assist participants with a craft or with stuffing sack lunches for Hope Clinic; 3) help serve a pizza lunch.
Contact Pastor Andrea if you can help: andrea@holy-faith-church.org
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Knitters, Bring Completed Prayer Shawls by January 12, 2025, which is the day we will bless a new batch. If you're working on any projects now, please plan on completing them and bringing them in to church to be blessed. | |
Volunteer Opportunities at the Memory Café | |
Holy Faith parishioners have helped out over the first 4 years of our “Come As You Are” Memory Café and, even though we no longer meet at Holy Faith, we still welcome and appreciate volunteers.
As we enter 2025, we will maintain a list of potential volunteers to tap when we need some extra help. If you’re willing to be included on the list (or for more information), please contact Lori Venable (ltvenable@att.net). NOTE: being on “the list” in no way commits you to volunteering.
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Are You New to Holy Faith in 2024? | |
If you started worshiping at Holy Faith this past year and feel moved in your heart to make your membership official, you are invited to participate in our annual New Member Welcome, scheduled for Sunday, January 12th, at the 10 AM service.
After the Exchange of the Peace, new members will be called forward and officially introduced. We will say a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving and celebrate you at coffee hour with cake.
Please contact Pastor Andrea if you would like to participate: andrea@holy-faith-church.org
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Little Music Makers classes with Joy Morin | |
Little Music Makers classes with Joy Morin for ages 0-5 and their caregivers will meet weekly in the social hall.
Sing, move, and play with your little one as you engage in delightful music and movement activities designed to tap into the musical mind. Learn more and sign up for a 9-week session (Tuesdays 5:45pm or Wednesdays 9:15am) running mid-January to mid-March at pianostudio.joymorin.com/littles.
Please help spread the word!
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Celebrate Holy Faith’s 20th Anniversary | |
January 23rd, 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of the federation of Faith Lutheran & Holy Cross Episcopal. Mark your calendars for celebration events which will highlight ministry milestones of the past 20 years and honor past leaders.
Saturday, January 25th, 3-5 pm
Gemini will play a concert to celebrate two decades of journeying in faith and serving neighbors. We are offering this concert for ourselves, and as a free gift to the community. Please invite friends. A cake and coffee reception will follow.
Plan to Join Sunday Worship the Next Day, Sunday, January 26th, 10 AM. Our Annual Meeting Will
Follow at 11AM when we will elect leaders to the Parish Leadership Team, approve a 2025 budget, receive
reports and conduct other parish business. A Potluck Lunch will follow when we will continue festivities and
conduct parish business. Childcare will be provided.
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Notice Anything in the Building or on the Grounds that Needs Fixing? | |
For non-emergency issues, record your concern in the white Buildings & Grounds 3-ring binder on the shelf below the bulletin board. For emergencies, please call the Church Office: 734-429-2991. | |
The Holy Faith office is staffed by Office Manager Laurie Tikkanen or Office Volunteer Ann Mayers on Thursdays, 12- 2 PM, or by appointment with Laurie.
Laurie is available to assist you Monday-Friday by phone at (734) 429-2991 or by email at office@holy-faith-church.org.
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For your convenience, Holy Faith's website now has links to multiple information sources. These include:
Because of personal contact information, the Members Only section is password protected. Only Holy Faith members can access this page. Please contact the office for the password.
We invite all parishioners and friends to keep us aware of changes and/or updates they may need.
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Save the Date for a Special Congregational Meeting & Vote, Sunday, January 12th, 9 AM
After some discernment, the Parish Leadership Team wishes to expand its membership. Currently, the PLT is limited to 6 parish members, plus the Pastor. The PLT would like an option to expand membership in the future by 1, 2, or 3 people. To do so requires we amend our By Laws, which requires a vote. See PLT President Teri Kollath if you have questions: teresakollath@gmail.com
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Please pray for:
Those Who Are Sick, In Need, or Grieving:
Tish, Tom, Rudy, Charlotte, Cathy, Davina, Mayvis, Harry, John, Kathy, Bob, Mary Jo N., Sandy, Rick, Marlana, Jordan, Jim, Piotr, Randy, David, Midge, Brenda, John G, Janisse, Trevor, Kirsten, Steffen, Jude, Joe, Robert, Skip, Angela, Bruce A, Diane V, Carol T, Jackie, Bruce A, Lindsey, Joey, Carol E, Margaret, Stuart, Ezra C, David W, Charles, Mildred, and Pat that God’s love enfold them.
We pray for those who have died, especially Kathleen Schmidt. Holy Faith will give thanks to God for her life and the promise of resurrection next Saturday, January 11th. Her husband, Jim Mangi, will receive visitors in the parish hall, starting at 10 AM, with a memorial service at 12 PM (with a Zoom option). A reception will follow. All are welcome.
Those Serving in the Armed Forces:
Olivia, Joey, and Adam.
Prayer requests may be submitted to the clergy or to Laurie Tikkanen at office@holy-faith-church.org. Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.
Those Celebrating January Birthdays:
Susan Cummings, Ella O'Malley, Jeff O'Mara, and Susan Wehinger, that they may grow in grace and wisdom.
If we have missed your birthday, please let Holy Faith’s Office Manager, Laurie Tikkanen, know: office@holy-faith-church.org
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Holy Faith Church
6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd
Saline, Michigan 48176
(734) 429-2991
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