November 14, 2023

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Words are unable to describe the pain we feel and witness in the lives of dear friends as this conflict rages. Our hearts yearn for peace, compassion and healing for our community and the world.

Please join your heartfelt prayers with ours.

Wishing you strength and peace,

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit

O God, Spirit that Guides Us,

Harden Not Our Hearts…

Shanti, Salaam, Shalom, our faiths center on peace, goodwill and care for all.

But our souls are deeply troubled.

We have seen and heard things that cannot be unseen nor unheard.

We are fearful. We are angry. We are in pain. The spirit of our communities is in trauma.

We are at odds with some of our brothers and sisters.

We need compassion and a comforting word.

We despair of finding the peace of which our traditions speak.

We cry out through our tears for understanding, for God’s healing grace.

We know all our scriptures call for peace.

We know that with your guidance we can again create common ground and bridges to one another.

O God, we pray that our communities will hear your voice, care for one another and seek peace.


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InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit |  P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325

Phone: 313.338.9777 |  Email: [email protected]
