by Jamie Lynn Haskins, co-editor, Acting on Faith
God of death and resurrection, God of the
space between, we have walked this Holy Week
road before, but never quite like this. 

 As always, palms are behind us, shouts of “hosanna”
ringing in our ears. As always, we look toward your
death with grief, your resurrection with great hope.
As always, you are here with us through it all. 
Yes, we have walked this Holy Week road
before, but never quite like this. 

 This year nails will pierce the cross, and we will mourn
in our homes rather than in our pews. 
This year your body will be placed in the tomb,
and we will await word from those faithful
women as we shelter in place. 

This year, resurrection will come (it always
comes) and we will shout “hallelujah,”
rejoicing in our living rooms, across computer
screens, over conference lines, because this
year, as in every year, you are still with us. 

Yes, we have walked this Holy Week road
before, but never quite like this. 

 May we remember, Holy One, 
that in every familiar and unfamiliar step, 
every “hosanna,” every “hallelujah,” 
every Zoom call and every text, 
you are with us. 

 As we walk this Holy Week road remind us--
in death, in resurrection, in joy and grief, 
in the unknown and the liminal space between,
you are still our God, and we are still your

Resurrection will indeed come.


Jamie Lynn Haskins  is Chaplain for Spiritual Life at the University of Richmond, Virginia, and is ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is the co-editor with Diane Faires Beadle of the new book,  Acting on Faith: Stories of Courage, Activism, and Hope Across Religions .  

Join the  Acting on Faith  Online Book Club, Monday nights through May 11,  here
Looking for more prayerful and creative activities this week? Join our Coloring Holy Week Contest!
ENTER TO WIN #ColoringHolyWeek
Grand Prize: Tote bag with YOUR winning design!
Step 1: Download the 25 Coloring Holy Week coloring pages at (now only $3.98!).

Step 2: Start coloring the images depicting the momentous events from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection (plus 5 bonus pages from Coloring Women of the Bible ).

Step 3: Post one of your colored pages on your Facebook page or our FB event page using hashtags #coloringholyweek  

Step 4: Keep coloring throughout the week as you prayerfully journey with Jesus to Easter morning. Color with awe, wonder, and praise!

Step 5. Head to the Chalice Press Facebook page the Monday after Easter to see if you won one of three prizes, including a tote bag with your original design!