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August 18, 2022

A Public Safety Message from the Village of Wilmette Regarding the Recent Armed Robbery

We as the Village want to keep the community up to date following the armed robbery that took place early Tuesday morning in Wilmette. In that incident, two offenders approached a woman walking along the sidewalk, displayed a handgun and demanded her belongings. She complied and the offenders then fled in a stolen vehicle driven by a third offender. An attentive resident heard screaming, called 9-1-1 and assisted the victim in communicating with Wilmette police dispatchers. The victim was able to provide a description of the offenders, vehicle and direction of travel, which allowed the police to quickly locate the offenders’ vehicle.

As the police attempted a stop, the offenders fled, and shortly thereafter crashed the vehicle outside a building along Sheridan Road. As Wilmette officers approached the vehicle, one of the offenders fired a handgun in the direction of a Wilmette officer. Thankfully no one was struck. The Wilmette officers regrouped, and with the assistance of police officers from our neighbors in Kenilworth, Northfield, Glencoe, and Winnetka, were able to approach the vehicle and take the three offenders into custody without further incident. Two handguns and the victim’s belongings were recovered from the vehicle. 

Two of the offenders are juveniles and have been transported to the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center and will be petitioned to Juvenile Court for felony charges of armed robbery, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and possession of a stolen motor vehicle. The adult offender remains in the custody of the Wilmette Police Department. The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, who conducts the prosecutions of these cases, has initially charged the offender with felony charges of armed robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle; additional charges will be sought pending further evidence analysis.

We are grateful that the victim and the officers involved were not physically harmed. Events like these, however, are emotionally damaging to the victims, the police officers, and the entire community. 

The Village Board and I want to thank our police officers for their courage, restraint, and sound judgment in a dangerous and stressful situation. We cannot fully express our appreciation for their dedication and the service they provide in keeping our community safe. The officers involved are commended for modeling the valor and professionalism of the Wilmette Police Department. 

The safety of our community is paramount, and we want to ensure that our police department continues to have all the resources needed, including proper training, tools, and equipment. We continue to review new and innovative policing programs, including automated license plate readers, which are currently under review by the Village Board’s Public Safety Committee. One of the benefits of this technology is its ability to alert police officers of stolen vehicles as they enter our community, thereby providing officers an opportunity to act before another crime can be committed.

Events like these are a reminder that we must stay alert as residents. We all have a role to play in our own safety and that of our community. Please be sure to actively take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings. Since mid-June, there have been eleven motor vehicle thefts in Wilmette; in ten of those incidents, the keys were left inside an unlocked vehicle. 

In reviewing Tuesday’s incident with Police Chief Kyle Murphy, he has asked us as a Village to stress that while our crime levels have remained relatively consistent over recent years, our officers have experienced a trend of armed offenders entering communities along the North Shore in stolen motor vehicles who then attempt to flee and elude arrest. It is imperative that our residents make an effort to remove valuables and keys from vehicles and lock doors. 

Additionally, by being alert and immediately reporting suspicious activity to the Wilmette Police Department, you can protect your family, neighbors, and community; remember:  if you see something, say something. 

To remain up to date on public safety issues, please connect with the Village through E-NewsFacebookTwitter, and the Village’s Smart911 System.

The safety of our community is a top priority for our Village Board. In light of the tragic events in Highland Park, the Village Board will be considering a resolution at our September 13 Village Board meeting encouraging the Illinois General Assembly to expand gun safety legislation. To learn more about the Wilmette Police Department’s firearm safety programs and to view a recent presentation from Police Chief Murphy, click here.

Village President Senta Plunkett