Please Join Me
4Sisters LIVE--TV/Internet Talk Show (2-23-19)
Speech At Coppin State University
For Their March
Women's History Month Program (3-6-19)
(See Details Below)

The ASALH "Featured Author's" Event on last Saturday was an incredible success. My signature southern Bread Pudding at my "Featured Author" Cookbook Signing table was a "big hit". and it gave me a special moment to share with book purchasers the evolution and "migration" of many of my southern recipes from my hometown in the south...before we were forced to "migrate" north after my school closed in 1959 due to Virginia's resistance to The Brown v. Board of Education desegregation landmark case (1954).

I t was a treat to sit at my mentor's (Dr. Gardner's) Table and have my daughter, Cheryl, and Lenny to join me for the event. Kudos to the entire ASAHL staff, volunteers, and Board Members for a job well done: Sylvia, Crystal, DeJuan, Bryon, Reba, Barbara, & others.

A commemorative Black Heritage Stamp of Gregory Hines (1946--2003) was unveiled at the 93rd annual Black History Luncheon (see a few photos (below) of the ASALH event and more on my website: drhnwashington.com).

Saturday, February 23rd--12:00 Noon : TV/Internet Interview
on 4Sisters LIVE at VOX/WAV on www.voxwav.com , sponsored by \the Sisters4Sisters Network, Peggy Morris, President and Founder.

In further commemorating the Black History Month Theme for this year, "Black Migration", I will be showing a short video clip of the many
southern food dishes and other customs that "migrated " to the north,
the midwest, and out west as our ancestors “migrated” there due to segregation, racism, Jim Crow , and other harsh treatments in hope of
a better life, higher-paying jobs, housing, schools, and just living and
raising their kids in peace and prosperity.

Also, I will be talking about my new southern cookbook, “Aunt Hattie’s Cookbook: Southern Comfort Food Favorites" -- S haring the preparation of
my signature southern homemade Bread Pudding...with my Honey Butter Rum Sauce ..

As a special "Treat", I will have a hot scrumptious Bread Pudding already baked
to serve with my Honey Butter Rum Sauce drizzled on top..for the hostesses
and audience to sample. Yum!

Log into the show at the website: www.voxwav.com.
Also, please " LIKE" us and "Reply" with your Comments.

For more information on Sisters4Sisters Network and to become
a member, visit their website: www.sisters4sistersnetwork.org.

MARCH 2019:
I also cordially invite you to:
The Coppin State University's
Black History and Women's History Program & Book Signing

T heme :
Southern Cooking "Migrating" From The South
(Cooking Aspect of Black Southern Women)

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
11:00 am
The Parren J. Mitchell Room
( Library, Lower Level )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I will bake my Signature Southern Bread Pudding w/my Special Honey Butter Rum Sauce to drizzle on top of the warm BP.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This Will Be A Wonderful Occasion!
 For more Info About the Event, Contact Dr. Bolden at [email protected] or Dr. Wanza at [email protected].

Parking : Park in Visitors' Lot Off North Ave.--Feed The Meter -:)
Looking forward to seeing you there,
( See Coppin Flyer Below )
Black History Month (& Year) Information :
The American Civil Rights Movement
T he civil rights movement (also known as the American civil rights movement and other terms) in the United States was a decades-long struggle with the goal of enforcing constitutional and legal rights for African Americans that other Americans already enjoyed. With roots that dated back to the Reconstruction era during the late 19th century, the movement achieved its largest legislative gains in the mid-1960's, after years of direct actions and grassroots protests that were organized from the mid-1950's until 1968 . Encompassing strategies, various groups, and organized social movements to accomplish the goals of ending legalized racial segregation , disenfranchisement , and discrimination in the United States , the movement, using major nonviolent campaigns, eventually secured new recognition in federal law and federal protection for all Americans. Aunt Hattie's school closed during this time in 1959.

R eflecting Back : A fter the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery in the 1860's, the Reconstruction Amendments to the United States Constitution granted emancipation and constitutional rights of citizenship to all African Americans, most of whom had recently been enslaved. For a period, African Americans voted and held political office, but they were increasingly deprived of civil rights , often under Jim Crow laws , and subjected to discrimination and sustained violence by whites in the South. Over the following century, various efforts were made by African Americans to secure their legal rights. Between 1955 and 1968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations and productive dialogues between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, and communities often had to respond immediately to these situations, which highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans across the country.

T he lynching of Chicago teenager Emmett Till in Mississippi, and the outrage generated by seeing how he had been abused, when his mother decided to have an open-casket funeral, mobilized the African-American community nationwide. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included strikes, such as at the Robert Russa High School in Farmville, VA (1951); boycotts, such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–56) in Alabama ; " sit-ins ", such as the influential Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina and successful Nashville sit-ins in Tennessee ; marches , such as the 1963 Birmingham Children's Crusade and 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities.

M oderates in the movement worked with Congress to achieve the passage of several significant pieces of federal legislation that overturned discriminatory practices and authorized oversight and enforcement by the federal government. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 expressly banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in employment practices; ended unequal application of voter registration requirements; and prohibited racial segregation in schools , at the workplace, and in public accommo-dations . The Voting Rights Act of 1965 restored and protected voting rights for minorities by authorizing federal oversight of registration and elections in areas with historic under-representation of minorities as voters. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. African Americans re-entered politics in the South, and across the country young people were inspired to take action.

F rom 1964 through 1970 , a wave of inner-city riots in black communities undercut support from the white middle class, but increased support from private foundations . The emergence of the Black Power movement , which lasted from about 1965 to 1975 , challenged the established black leadership for its cooperative attitude and its practice of nonviolence. Instead, its leaders demanded that, in addition to the new laws gained through the nonviolent movement, political and economic self-sufficiency had to be developed in the black community.

M any popular representations of the movement are centered on the charismatic leadership and philosophy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. , who won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in non-violent, moral leadership. However, some scholars note that the movement was too diverse to be credited to any one person, organization, or strategy.  The election of Barack Hussein Obama as the first Black President of the USA brought much pride and a sense of "I Can" to African Americans and to the country.

Courtesy of WIKIPEDIA (Adapted By Dr. Washington)
To Review My Previous Black History Month Vignette...In My Last