Shaare Mail Special Issue
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A Request from Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
and the Tzedek Committee 
This past Friday evening, we heard from Dawn Chapman of Just Moms STL, a nonprofit organization working to raise awareness about the radioactive contamination at the West Lake Landfill. (See the replay by visiting, clicking menu button with three lines, and selecting the "Fri 05/13/16" service.) This situation presents a serious health risk to our entire community, particularly anyone living within a 10-mile radius of the landfill - an area that includes Maryland Heights, Creve Coeur, Olivette, Ladue and parts of Chesterfield as well as Bridgeton and St. Charles.

10-mile _evacuation_ radius around Bridgeton Landfill

The most important action we can take, Dawn explained, is to contact two Congressmen who are holding up legislation in the United States House that could help get important clean-up efforts underway at the landfill. Please take a few short minutes out of your day to make two phone calls that could make a great difference in our community. Learn how below.
Remember that our tradition teaches, "If a person was able to protest against wrongdoing and did not protest, that person is considered cursed. And if a person was not strong enough to protest against wrongdoing, yet protested, then that person is considered blessed" (Leviticus Rabbah 25:1, adapted).


Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
and the Shaare Emeth Tzedek Committee

Advocate for the passage of H.R. 4100
Advocate for the passage of H.R. 4100 which requires the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to undertake remediation oversight of the West Lake Landfill located in Bridgeton, Missouri. For more information about H.R. 4100, go to

Please call these Congresspeople:
Calling is more impactful than writing, and, as we don't live in their district, this is the only way to let our voices be heard. 
  • Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.
    Washington D.C. phone (202) 225-4671
  • Congressman Steny Hoyer
    Washington D.C. phone (202) 225-4131
Tell them:
I am asking you to move the jurisdiction of West Lake Landfill to the Army Corps of Engineers, specifically to the Army Corps of Engineers' program, FUSRAP.

For more information, please visit 

Congregation Shaare Emeth
11645 Ladue Road
Temple (314) 569-0010
Preschool (314) 569-0048
Religious School (314) 569-1273
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Congregation Shaare Emeth
Do you know someone interested in affiliation? If so, please encourage them to contact Rosalie Stein, our executive director, in the Temple Office at 314-569-0010 or at
Shaare Emeth founded 1867