New Arrivals in Bloom!
Creep Phox
Flowering Cherry
Our Current Spring Flowering Favorites...
Celebrate the arrival of spring each year by adding a spring flowering tree to your landscape!

Marcum’s Nursery has a spectacular selection of flowering trees in stock – crabapples, redbuds, dogwoods and flowering cherries, to name a few. 
Come Hang With Us!
We've got hanging baskets galore to choose from at all nursery locations. Show the coupon below at check out for $5.00 off any basket priced at $25 or more!
A Round of Applause for April!
FoxFarm Spring Planter Workshop
Saturday, April 9th | Marcum's Nursery Goldsby
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM

Join our dear friend Andy Chidester with Fox Farm Soil & Fertilizer Company for a morning of insightful information and blooming creations. 
Fruit Tree Diseases & Pests Seminar
Saturday, April 9th | Marcum's Nursery Goldsby
10:30 AM
FREE | Limited Spots Available

Join LeeAnn Barton as she highlights the most common pests and diseases to plague fruit tree enthusiasts along with practical solutions.
Pre-Emerge Now or Pull Weeds Later!
Pre-emergent is used to control annual weeds by suppressing seed germination from previous plants.

Most weed seed can germinate with as little as 3 days of soil temperatures at or above 55 degrees!

Check out our Lawn & Weed Control Guide to learn more about which weed species to look out for in Oklahoma and what products Marcum's recommends to treat these bothersome plant breeds.

We Come Bearing Fruit
Your very own Oklahoma orchard awaits... Let's dig in to all our current available fruit varieties. What will you plant this spring?
Oklahoma's Last Freeze Dates Statewide
Here for You 7 Days a Week
Now open later and on Sundays for the 2022 Spring Season!
Earth Day Seed Bomb

by Vicki Manning | How We Play and Learn
With Earth Day just around the corner, we thought these seed bombs would be the perfect activity for your little ones.

They are so simple to make - you just need colored paper, water and seeds! It's out of this world easy, affordable, and educational.
Did Somebunny Say Easter?
Ardmore Location
580-223-1846 | 25 N Rockford Rd

Norman Location
405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner
Goldsby Location
405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave

Oklahoma City Location
405-691-9100 | 2121 SW 119th