...to Tom and Jane McGinty for the beautiful Pilgrams that sat at each end of the table during the month of November. They were a very nice addition to the Sanctuary during the Thanksgiving season!
...to Tom & Pam Siegenthaler, Bruce & Geneva Cummins and Jeff & Claire Proto for providing the crosses and holiday wreathes on the Sanctuary, Chapel and business entrance doors. They are given in memory of loved ones.
...to John and Cindy Roby for providing the beautiful wreath that hangs on the east side of the Chapel. It is given in loving memory of their parents and their son, Robbie.
...to Jon & Carol Hall, Cathy Lux and Jane McGinty for decorating the Sanctuary and Chapel. These decorations are such a nice addition to the church during the holidays!
...to Paula Hess & Carol Hall for decorating the tree in the parlor and Blymyer Hall.
...to Marlene Bisel for helping to "fluff" the wreathes and trees.
...to Si Carmean for hanging and lighting the "JOY" sign on the Blymyer Hall patio.