Dr. Michael J. Trepal (left) accepts the contribution from Dr. Joseph C. D’Amico (right) for the Schuster Seminar.
Significant Donation Supports NYCPM’s Vital Work in Biomechanics
Schuster Biomechanics Seminar Will Embark on “Truth” Search
For the ninth year in a row, NYCPM welcomed a significant, “anonymous” donation, via Joseph C. D’Amico, DPM, from a celebrity patient of his who happily was relieved of his years-long, persistent heel pain and wants to support Dr. D’Amico’s work. NYCPM uses the funds to further the science of and teaching of biomechanics through its state-of-the-art Gait Lab and in delivering dedicated digital and live seminars, including the upcoming Schuster Seminar.
November 14th is the date for NYCPM’s ninth annual Richard ... Read more
NYCPM's clinical faculty on hand for the honors at Metropolitan Hospital includes Anthony R. Iorio, DPM, MPH; Ronald Soave, DPM; Kevin Jules, DPM; Michael J. Trepal, DPM and Chief of Podiatry at Metro; Daniel Yaeger, DPM
NYCPM Clinical Faculty Honored by NYCHHC Metropolitan
The New York College of Podiatric Medicine’s clinical faculty, residents and students staff the podiatry departments of several NYCHHC Hospitals, including Metropolitan Hospital. Each month, Metropolitan distributes Compliment Cards to patients who have been seen by providers there. The Compliment Cards are collected and the Employee Recognition Committee selects a ‘winner’ based on the majority of compliments received. ... Read more
2021 Faculty Retreat Features Mix of Live and Zoom Presentations
A rich offering of presentations – delivered both live and on Zoom – marked the live NYCPM 2021 Faculty Retreat, held on September 10th for 34 faculty plus staff (all in person) and 11 guests. Altogether, the presentations touched on many aspects of faculty members’ professional lives.
Multiple NYCPM faculty and staff presented live to the participants. After Michael J. Trepal, DPM (’81), FACFAS made a brief welcome, Prakash Krishnan, MD, Clinical Associate Professor in Medical Sciences at NYCPM as well as Associate ... Read more
Above, Medical Science Director Marianna Fedorenko, PharmD, at Melinta Therapeutics, presents at Faculty Retreat.
NYCPM Ranks #1!
The World Scholarship Forum has recently published its “List of the 15 Best Podiatry Schools in the World,” and NYCPM is ranked number one! The ranking of the schools is based on the employability rate, number of programs, and graduation rate, meaning the rate at which students complete their courses and degrees, and the rate at which students get employed upon graduation. The statement about NYCPM mentions that we are “renowned for producing more graduates” in podiatric medicine.
VP Swartz Keynotes Two International Forums
NYCPM Vice President, Medical and Professional Affairs, Mark H. Swartz, MD, was recently the keynote speaker for two international presentations, both on Zoom. On September 11, Dr. Swartz keynoted the 2021 International Conference for Education in Medicine and Simulation at Taipei Medical University in Taipei, Taiwan, with a talk entitled “What’s Next After the Cancellation of the USMLE Step 2-CS Exam in the USA?” On October 15, Dr. Swartz keynoted the 2021 Xiangya International Symposium on Medical Education at Xiangya #1 Hospital of Central South University in Changsha, China, with a talk entitled "COVID-19 Pandemic-Driven Changes to Medical Education.”
Below, Dr. Swartz presenting at Taipei, Taiwan conference
Magical Tropical Garden Thrives Near NYCPM
Among the many murals that currently decorate the construction fence east of NYCPM (thanks to Uptown Grand Central), is a stand-out for its approach, its rich and often-humorous detail, and subject matter.
The mural closest to the 57 East 124th Street entrance is the work of Colombian-born artist Alexis Duque, who now lives and works in New York City, is a round work (please see photo) that seems to depict a lovely, magical, tropical garden. Completed over three days, the mural is a marvel of tiny details that add up ... Read more
“Planet” (2021) by Alexis Duque.
Two Students, One Alum Win APHA Award
Two current NYCPM students -- Obiozor Emeagwali (’23) and Sharisse Victor (’22),
and one alumnus -- Alexander Malek, DPM, MPH (’21) (left to right in photo) were among six students chosen to receive this year's American Public Health Association Foot and Ankle Health Student awards. APHA recognizes individuals for their outstanding contributions to podiatric public health, and these students had participated in forums and discussions led by leaders in the organization, and then were selected by peers in APHA. They will each receive an award and be recognized at the 2021 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo October 24th - 27th in Denver (and online).
Two Students Win Scholarship
Two NYCPM students, Steven Silvestro ('22) and Ivan Cruz ('22), (left to right in photo), were among five students selected to receive a $1500 scholarship from the Jonathon Robertozzi Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Fund was established by the New Jersey Podiatric Medical Society (NJPMS) in 1997 in memory of the son of an active member who has been a past president of the society as well as of the APMA. All five recipients were selected in recognition of their noteworthy activities and efforts that exemplify a sense of civic responsibility. Source: PM News
NYCPM Club Members Volunteer on September 11
Members of NYCPM’s Public Health and Sports Medicine Clubs worked with other volunteers at the World Vision Storehouse in the Bronx on September 11. The volunteers helped pack emergency relief kits including both food and medical supplies to be distributed to local nonprofits and Title I schoolteachers. According to Kim Abrams (2023), the clubs will continue their volunteer work with Greg Glidden, Partner Coordinator, World Vision Bronx Storehouse.
In photo, back row, left to right: Dawad Abdur-Rashid (’23); Jourvonn Skeen (’23); Tony Kerbaj (’23), all Public Health Club; Nickolay Igdalov (’25), Sports Medicine Club. Front row: right, John Pace (’23), Public Health Club.
‘Snack Break’ Debuts – And Will Return
On September 27, Student Services decided to host a “Snack Break” to help boost the energy and spirits for NYCPM students. “First years had their first physiology exam that day, our 2nd years are going through finals, and it’s always a busy time for our 3rd years,” said Dean Lisa Lee. She said that Student Services hopes to make this a regular event during exam periods for students. Students were pleasantly surprised and very thankful!
In the photo above, seated are, l. to r.: Courtney Cadle and Lisa Lee of Student Services, standing are students Opemipo Akin-Adejimi (’25), and John Pace (’23).