Welcome to the Leadership Climb:
A Self Coaching Journey to Leadership Maturity
January Leadership Maturity Theme:
Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive Leaders practice situational leadership in their changing environments.  They are committed to individual's growth and are mindful/intentional of succession planning.
Click to explore our resources on Adaptive Leadership                                                            

Week 2: Creating a Plan
There are a few things you can do to get the most benefit from your self-coaching.  We recommend recording your answers to assessment below in a designated "Leadership Climb Self Coaching" journal or notebook.   Your review and reflection on your answers now and in the future will be key to your continued growth.    

This week is about creating a plan to improve upon your skills and knowledge in the characteristics of Adaptive Leadership.  It will be helpful to revisit your self coaching assessment that you did last week.  Again, you may choose one or more of the following characteristics to investigate over the next 4 weeks.

If you missed Week 1 - Assessment - click here to find the questions to catch up!
Situational Leadership

A leader must often adapt their approach as necessary to meet the needs of a person or situation to achieve the best results. 

To assess your personal competency in Situational Leadership, we invite you to learn more about a popular leadership style model 
taught by Ken Blanchard in his  Book Leadership and the One Minute Manager.

  Self Coaching - Creating a Plan:   

As you re-read your assessment from week one, consider the following... 

1.  Which leadership style from Blanchard's model that you are least comfortable with or use least often that you would like to develop? 
Often there can be an underlying cause for not using a particular approach:

2.  Why do you feel uncomfortable using that approach?  What happened the last time you tried?
3. Consider your internal drivers; do you lack practice, knowledge, support?  
4. Consider your external drivers; do your team members require more/less direction? Does the culture support that approach?  Is there adequate trust in the team?
5. Based on the underlying causes identified, what are 3 things you can do to work on developing this skill?
Committed to Individual's Growth
As an effective/adaptive leaders, you have and important a role to fill in the growth and development of the people you lead/influence.  This growth and development should include organizational performance goals as well as personal goals.
Adaptive leaders are actively engaged in regular discussions to understand how to best support the development of their team members.
  Self Coaching - Creating a Plan:   

As you re-read your assessment from week one, consider the following... 
1. What was the biggest hurdle to both frequent and effective conversations about goals with your team?  
2. What changes do you need to make personally to develop this characteristic?  Do you have the support or resources necessary?
3. What changes in your organization are necessary to develop this characteristic? Do you have the support or resources necessary?
4. What three things can you implement this month to begin to develop your commitment to the individual's growth?
Succession Planning
Leaders of all levels should be conscientiously planning for members of their teams to take on their current leadership role as they look to the next promotion and/or retirement. 

A key aspect to succession planning is to have a clear understanding, supported by evidence of skills, knowledge, desire and abilities for a person to be ready to move to the next level. 
Equally important, a leader needs to work with that team member to identify gaps, areas that are not mentioned in the job description (such as having political savvy, and connections, etc.) and create a development plan.
There may also be times when a team member is a strong contributor but their strengths are better suited for another team/department.  In this case, a leader should work with the team member to identify other opportunities that best utilize their strengths in the organization (or even outside the organization). 
  Self Coaching-  Creating a Plan:   

As you re-read your assessment from week one, consider the following:
1.  If you have not identified a suitable successor - what is holding you back?  What needs to change in order for you to begin this process?
2.  If you have identified this person and have not assessed and discussed with them your intent, their desire, strengths, knowledge, and experience, how will you begin this process?
3. What are three things you can do this month to being to develop or improve upon your current succession plan?
MSBCOACH Leadership Maturity Model
Depending on whether you (or your team member) are at the executive, mid-manager level, supervisory, entry, new to organization or new to role level, there are core competencies that are necessary for successful progression on the Leadership Climb. Adaptive leadership is one of these competencies.  

The leadership competencies as defined in our MSBCOACH Leadership Maturity Model create the backbone of our coaching, training and the we work we do everyday. 

Learn more here...

If you find that your commitment to develop your leadership maturity is high, but your proficiency or resources lower than you'd like, our coaches can help you more carefully assess and develop your skills.   Contact Us  or  find more information here. .  

MSBCOACH | 434 293 5758  | info@msbcoach.com | www.msbcoach.com