On Tuesday, June 25, the region's growing labor shortage and a plan for gaining the skilled workers growing business requires will be the focus of an Understanding Hampton Roads forum. The event is sponsored by the Hampton Roads Community Foundation in partnership with the Hampton Roads Workforce Council.

Results of a six-month Hampton Roads Workforce Talent Alignment Strategy will be released at the 7:30 a.m. breakfast forum at the Chesapeake Conference Center. The community foundation was the primary funder of the three-part study that includes a workforce analysis, supply-demand gap analysis and a workforce alignment strategy. The workforce council oversaw the six-month study by national experts and will lead its implementation.

The June 25 program will feature study highlights from two researchers with the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, which helped conduct the study. There also will be a regional panel of experts to put the report in perspective.

Registration is free. Advance RSVP is required.