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#March 2022
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
If there is one thing that characterized this past month, I think it would be serving others. There are times and seasons when we are more focused on doing things for ourselves, and that’s O.K.; those are necessary times, too. Then there are seasons when God brings person after person or group after group needing help into our lives and ministry. This is one of those times. These seasons can be exhausting and rewarding at the same time.

The theme of our teen winter camp this year was spiritual gifts and areas of service. We want our teens to learn what gifts they have and know how recognize what arena God is calling them into. One thing that was really on Bonnie’s heart was to offer the teens one Friday evening service every few months in which they would lead and serve in every single ministry in the church (from the coffee bar and greeting to the worship and preaching). This past month we held our first “Bez Izlike (No Excuse) Night”- a night when the youth serve the adults. It was truly amazing, and the parents were so, so proud to see their teens serving. The teens were so conscientious in their work that very single ministry ran like clockwork. Our son, Luka, preached his very first sermon that night and we were so proud of him! This was an important evening in the lives of every single teenager involved- a night in which they saw how God could and desired to use them in his Kingdom work.

> Generous emergency provision for Ukrainian refugees.
> God unexpectedly provided our band with finances for a new electric piano!
> Our sanctuary was almost completely full on Sunday!

The church should always be looking outward and seeking ways to serve its community. One way we like to do this is by gathering and connecting businessmen and women in our city. Once a month (every other month in Zagreb and also every other month in Split) we host a dinner during which we encourage these brave men and women to talk about various problems they’ve faced in the business world, how they have or have not overcome them, things they’ve discovered, tricks of the trade. The more experienced are a great help to those just starting out and the excitement of those just starting out is refreshing to those who are feeling burned out. Artis is one of the ministries that has come out of Global Advance, the annual conference we put on each year for entrepreneurs and businessmen.

> That God would give us wisdom in helping the Ukrainian refugees.
> That our youth would continue to grow in the Lord.
> Our heating has gone up incredibly (we have an old gas system that seem to not be working properly).

Our church has 5 members that are from Ukraine. Four of them are from Crimea and one is from Kyiv. When the war broke out in Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Croatia immediately announced that Croatia’s borders would be opened to receive refugees and we began looking for a way to help those wanting to leave and find refuge here in Croatia. One of our members offered her vacation home for use. Another church here in Zagreb opened their summer camp for use. You, our supporters, have been amazingly generous in donating finances to help purchase food, pay for utilities and other necessary items. Four families have arrived so far, and others are on their way. Our Ukrainian members also put us in contact with pastors in Ukraine who are helping those who are unable to leave. We were able to send them aid as well and will continue helping them as much as we can. The need there is incredibly great, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to help however we can. Not so long ago, Croatia was in a similar situation. People here have not forgotten what it was like for them.
Let us continue praying for Ukraine, that God’s mighty hand would protect and keep the Ukrainian people, and that the war would soon be over.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support of our ministry. Without your help such much of what we do would not be possible. May the Lord richly bless each of you.
Mario & Bonnie Ducic
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach