Weekly Updates · June 21, 2023

Brothers & Sisters,

While most of us experience church primarily in public gatherings on Sunday mornings, there is much ministry that takes place inside and outside our walls, each weekday morning, afternoon and evening. Whether it is music camp for our Bridge Kids (two weeks ago), flag football for Bridge Students (yesterday), adult prayer groups and Bible study (three each Thursday), our ministries are active and growing.

In addition to our program ministries that help us grow in relationship with God and each other, there is much administrative ministry carried out by our staff team and volunteers. Their work keeps our organization running smoothly, efficiently and effectively.

In recent months, significant time attention has been given to the design process of our future building. Several lay leaders have worked with staff and our architect to plan for our future sanctuary and ministry center. I felt you would appreciate seeing a couple of sneak peaks of our architectural plans for our upcoming project to begin later this year.

The west exterior view of our future building, including the main entrance on the left side of this image.

Each detail of our future building is considered carefully for its symbolism, cost efficiency, and ministry function. As the planning progresses, the excitement and anticipation in our leadership team grows. We echo the sentiment of the Psalmist: “I long to be in the Lord's Temple. With my whole being I sing for joy to the living God.” - Psalm 84:1

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to God’s BEYOND initiative, which will lift this building off the architect’s paper and build it at 3200 Ross Bridge Parkway. We are looking forward to the day when we can gather to worship the living God together and dedicate our new church to God’s glory!

Join us for the nine Sundays of June & July for "So, where y'all headed?", as we take a look at some surprising road trips in the Bible, and imagine how God might also be sending us beyond, to participate in God's mission in our world.

See you Sunday!

BEYOND hopeful,

Pastor Nathan

BEYOND Initiative Progress

Commitments to God's BEYOND initiative continue to be made.

As of Sunday, June 11, our celebration number has reached $3,414,448.30

GIVING to BEYOND has Begun!

When do I start giving to BEYOND?

Our BEYOND journey started on Sunday, May 21st. Any non-designated gift given to our church moving forward will be to support BEYOND.

Do I need to designate my giving between on-going ministry and new construction?

No, we have One Fund for both. You can simply give to BEYOND, whether online, by check or cash (in a marked envelope). All gifts (unless designated for a special purpose: e.g. "$5 Mission Challenge) that used to go to our operating fund and our capital fund will now go to BEYOND.

How do I set up my new contribution

to the BEYOND fund?

Those who give online can access their PushPay account and select "BEYOND (ministry & construction)". Those who write checks can simply make them out to "Church at Ross Bridge" and they will be deposited into the BEYOND fund.


Faith Vinings is a remarkable teacher in the Jefferson County school system, who challenges her students to acknowledge and nourish their potential. Many of Faith's students initially come from a posture of "no", and focus on what they "can't" do, but Faith uses an immersive sensory environment to calm and dissipate their sense of defeat, and she incorporates real-world out-of-classroom occupational experiences into her teaching to equip them for forward momentum and accomplishment.

Faith is currently trying to gather the supplies and human capitol she needs to get an herb garden tilled, prepped and planted by the time school is in session this Fall, so that her students can harvest the herbs & spices to market to local restaurants, and WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to LOVE on these STUDENTS by making this garden a reality. Helping Faith's Kids build their dream garden, into which they will plant possibilities, is what this week's $5 Mission Challenge is all about!

We Need YOU!

(For VBS)

We still need 11 volunteers for VBS!

Click the link below to see where you can serve at VBS!


Did You Know?

(Bridge Kids Edition)

Did you know that Bridge Kids held its

FIRST MUSIC CAMP on June 5th - 7th?

We had 16 students participate is this amazing camp!

Our campers learned about different ways to praise God with drumming, singing, boom whackers, chimes, and orff instruments.

Take a look!


Bridge Kids raised $257.00 for our BEYOND Campaign!

They set a goal of $200 and they went BEYOND this goal!

Since they reached their goal, some children got a chance to to pie Ms. JuJu in the face on commitment Sunday!

Take a look!


Did you know that God is at work in the lives of our Bridge Kids?

Each week our children are showing up, bringing their Bibles to church with them, and digging deep into

God's word!

Praise the LORD!

VBS INFO - Limited Spots Available!

Sign up today!

Dates: July 24th - 27th

Times: 9a - 12p (morning session)

9a - 3p (morning + extended day)

Cost: $15 per child (morning session only)

$45 per child (Includes morning session and extended day)

For: Children ENTERING K5 thru

5th grades.


To Register CLICK the link below:


Bridge Students

High School Mystery Outing

Tonight from 5-7pm our High school ministry will be bowling at Vestavia Lanes! Luckily there is No Waiver! Hallelujah!!!

Students will need to bring $10 to bowl. Your student(s) can bring yours truly the $10 or you can pay online using this link. Make sure you select Bridge Students and write in the memo box what the money if for. Students will also need money for any food or drinks they may want to purchase at the bowling alley. If you have any questions just reach out to [email protected] or 601-540-3436.

All Students Hiking Εvent (July 6th)

On July 6th our student ministry is going to take our students on a hiking adventure! We will be Hiking at Moss Rock. Please click this link and put down your students info so I can have a headcount for who is coming!

More information will be sent out closer to time of the event!!

Camp Recap

Brothers and sisters in Christ I would proudly say that our chaperones did not just survive camp but thrived!!! We had plenty of fun soaking up the sun and the surf! Yet, please pray for our students who got a little too close and personal with the sun, those poor students learned the importance of sunscreen the hard way! Minus the couple of sunburns camp could not have gone smoother. Your students made my first camp experience with Bridge Students a true blessing. 

God's presence was in abundance as students were engaged in the big sessions and in small group. Camp is awesome but the true battle begins this weekend the weeks to come. Some things you can do to help your student stay close and connected in their faith journey.... 

-Please ask your student daily what they are reading in the Bible and how they are growing their relationship with Christ. If you are able read the word as a family! (Please reach out if you need help finding a reading plan) We want to continue to use what God did at camp and open the door for him to keep doing his work at Ross Bridge. 

-Join me in praying for our students to stay on fire for the Lord as the days, weeks, and months pass. 

-Ask your student about the Journaling method they learned at camp. Journaling helps us remember what we read in God's word and helps reinforce what we learned. 

-Last but not least, lead from example. If you are in God's word with your child this will help model and normalize scripture reading for your student. 

I am excited to see the seeds planted at camp sprout into mighty trees. God is doing big things and our summer is just now getting started!!!

Lawson, Director of Bridge Students

Ministry Engagement @ CARB

To Register for This Hike, Click HERE!!

Get Familiar & Get Involved Here @ CARB!!

Our CORNERSTONE Life Group was hosted by Ted & Donna Roose

at their home in Mentone for a gorgeous lawn picnic. If YOU'D like

to learn more about Cornerstone, contact Warren Austin!

To reserve your show ticket, and for more information about

this BGs excursion, Contact Margaret Dunkin!

If YOU'D like to learn more about

what the BGs are up to,

contact Margaret Dunkin!

Our Bridging the Gap ministry (for active retirees and folks aged 50+) enjoyed an excursion on the CARB church bus down to the Farmer's Market, and then lunch together at Niki's West.