Nashville Farmers' Market | March 4, 2011
There is so much going on-at NFM & in our community it feels like peak season has launched very early this year. A good problem for sure...but that's where we admit it...we need volunteers! Y'all have been outstanding about events and we need some solid weekly help. If you can do it-please email us because we are happily...overwhelmed! Speaking of volunteers-thank you SO MUCH for Hands On Nashville support for last Night Market. The turnout was fantastic and we look forward to sharing results with you. We are excited also about the season & what's growing most? A great sense of community surrounding local! Many great events & happenings are coming your way between now and May & first up....
Check the sidebar for all the awesome things going on this weekend. There is much to celebrate and participate in regarding local food and farming + in/around NFM overall so enjoy!
Thank You for All You Do to Support & Grow Local This & Every Day!
Nashville Farmer's Market

The Spring Local Table Magazine is OUT! Stop by NFM to pick up your copy & click below -an incredible food & farming info resource--Visit Local Table here! | |
Volunteers Opportuntities!
- Volunteers will be needed throughout the season for tours, office work, and a plethora of other options and opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering this upcoming peak season-please click the link below and indicate your general availability and if you have a specific area of interest. Thank you!
Click here to Volunteer!
Want to Learn About Organics? Food & Farming? |
Tennessee Organic Growers Association to host 7th Annual Organic Conference - "Local and Organic Tennessee" in Nashville. Nashville, TN - Tennessee's only organic growers association prepares for their 7th annual conference, hosting attendees to a two day event on Friday and Saturday, March 25th and 26th, 2011. Held at the Lakeshore Christian Church, this yearly event features two days of educational workshops, speakers and farm tours.
The conference begins at 10 a.m. on Friday with tours of local farms that specialize in producing products for local direct sales, ranging from animal to mushroom production, and all practicing organic and sustainable methods. A special treat this year will be a tour of the Middle Tennessee State University Farm. Here we will learn about the installation of geothermal refrigeration as well as hear about the farm production and student run farmer's market on campus. Dr. Nate Phillips and students will give us in depth information on their farm production. The farm tours offer fellow farmers and growing enthusiasts a personal look inside farm operations and an opportunity to talk directly to farmers about their successes, hurdles and opportunities. Bus transportation is provided for the tours, which conclude at 5 p.m.. A full day of workshops starts on Saturday at the Lakeshore Christian Church located at 5434 Bell Forge Lane East, Antioch, TN 37013. Workshop sessions commence at 9:00 a.m. Professional farmers, hobby farmers, backyard gardeners and local food enthusiasts alike will find sessions that fit their skill level and areas of interest, and range from urban farming, mushroom production, organic fruit production, and beekeeping to local food systems and more. Taking a mid-day break from workshops, attendees will enjoy lunch provided by Whole Foods Market in Cool Springs with Chef Michael Martin and feature meats from Peaceful Pastures Farm, coffee by Roast Inc., and locally grown produce. Complimenting lunch, keynote speaker Barbara Pleasant, will inspire the crowd with her knowledge of sustainable and organic growing methods. For more information on the conference or to register for the event online, visit the TOGA web site at
Saturday Rally Outside the Market |
FYI there is a scheduled rally outside the Market in support of food labelling-and specifically genetically modified foods and others being labelled. This rally will be from 10-1pm so if you want to sign a petition or get more info-visit the organizers at the site on the sidewalk in front of the Market.
Supercolon-family event this Saturday! |
Walk-through Super Colon Event Coming to Nashville Farmers Market
Nashville, Tenn. − If you've ever wondered what doctors see when they look inside the human body, you can get a close-up view of a model of the colon during the free Prevent Cancer Foundation Super Colon™ event in Nashville. An inflatable, interactive model of the interior of a human colon will be on display Saturday, March 26, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., at the Nashville Farmers Market, 900 Rosa Parks Blvd.
The super-sized Prevent Cancer Super Colon™ is large enough for a family to walk through and provides views of a healthy colon, tissue with non-malignant colorectal diseases, and tissue during various stages of colorectal cancer.
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC), as a member of the Tennessee Cancer Coalition, is a sponsor for the free educational event being held as part of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March.
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. However, it is largely preventable if caught early through screening tests. Risk factors for colorectal cancer include a high-fat diet, obesity, lack of exercise and a family history of the disease.
In addition to the walk-through Super Colon, there will be jugglers and volunteers in Elvis-themed attire on hand for the event. Why Elvis?
"Anyone who is old enough to remember the King of Rock and Roll performing in a white jumpsuit is the right age to start getting screened for colon cancer," explained Sheila Bates, MSSW, community outreach manager in VICC's Office of Patient and Community Education.
Several Vanderbilt colon cancer experts will be at the Nashville Farmers Market to answer questions about the disease, and dietetic interns will be providing information on diet and exercise.
The Prevent Cancer Super Colon™ is provided by the Prevent Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection.
For more information, contact
Kites for Kids at BiCentennial Park! | 
Saturday March 26, 10am-2pmat the Bicentennial Mall Park, 600 James Robertson Parkway
Join us for the 2nd annual "Kids and Kites". Bring your kite, family, and lawn chairs! The event aims to get Nashville youth and families moving through a day of kite-flying and fun activities. The day will feature kite-flying competitions for children and adults, a "Let's Move" walk led by Mayor Karl Dean, dancing, music, and more. The event is free and open to the public.
Looking for Common Ground, Daisy's Delicacies, Geraldine's Pies, or Dozen Bakery on a Friday? Inside. Perhaps are you Looking for The Bloomy Rind, Braden's Seafood Pies, Daisy's Delicacies, Dozen Bakery, Foxy Baking Co., Hope Garden Soap, The Sweet Stash, & more on a Saturday? Inside. If you don't see one of your favorites outside-come on in & discover the Market House Restaurants & Shops along the way!
WELCOME Back To: Hip-Nu-Sys!
You've loved them at our indoor Night Markets and this Saturday, they are playing inside our Market House from 11-1pm. This trio hails from New Orleans and were brought to Nashville after Hurricane Katrina. After the flood, they were first to reach out and offer their musical services to help uplift spirits & help bring the music back to Music City. So grab some lunch and sit--or even dance a little bit to Hip-Nu-Sys!
- Barnes Produce Barnes is sourcing local farmers-ask Poppy for the best selections!
- The Bloomy Rind Kathleen sources the best in local, regional, and occasionally beyond cheeses to our delight. She also has cured salami, marcona almonds, & Olive & Sinclair local chocolate! INSIDE SATURDAY'S 10-2PM
- Daisy's Delicacies Daisy's continues to wow us with the positive behavior encouragement potential of just one lone turkey jerky. Daisy herself would be proud! INSIDE FRIDAY & SATURDAY
- Dan's MacNChz Dan's new vegetarian flavor is incredible-a must try!
- Dozen Bakery-- All your favorites including soft caramels, pecan squares, madeleines, apple frangipane galette, the espresso chocolate cookie of the month & more!INSIDE fRIDAYS & SATURDAYS 9-2
- Emerald Glen Farm--Weldon is making his bi-weekly visit and he's got tons of eggs along with his incredible meats.
- Foxy Baking Co. That NUTELLA custard pie is incredible-her crusts so light & flaky! Also try any quiche made with local, seasonal ingredients! INSIDE SATURDAY
- Franklin Flower Market Inside: cut flowers-roses and more from the farm +!
- Gardens of Babylon (Garden Center on the Farm Side) Check out the Saturday class (info above) and what's coming--chicken coops on 3/25!
- Garrett's Angus Farm wide selection of beef, chicken, pork, and rabbit
- Hardy's Produce Gerald & his family harvest their greens & source locally as much as possible. Their greens & green onions are always special stars in their lineup--& still in season too!
- Hope Garden Soap Try her soaks--fantastic for foot soaks, or luxurious tub soaks. Also make a fantastic dry exfoliation-ask Hope how! INSIDE
- Howell's Produce while their farm lies fallow right now, thank goodness for how they put things up! Many canned farm products, their bean bins are always full, and a wide selection of local, regional, and beyond produce, nuts, & more.
- JD Country Milk Along with their fresh milks, their yogurts are back-3 flavors!
- Milo's Family Bakery who will have a full-line up of their naturally & handmade whole grain biscottis, sprouted wheat breads, muffins, & more! They grind their own grains-love it!
- Moose Head Kettle Corn The Moose is mixing it up in preparation for busy event season. Stop by and ask for a sample of their new favorite experiment!
- Noble Springs Dairy GOAT MILK IS HERE!!!!!!!! Along with goat cheese aplenty!
- Robertson's Produce Bubba has okra, red potatoes, & oranges!
- Shrock Family Farm & Bakery Any of their breads-crescent rolls a fave!
- Smiley's Farm is back Friday-Sunday with cabbage, cabbage sprouts (fingers crossed!), spring greens & spinach too!
- The Sweet Stash Whitney's playing with flavors again and we are so happy about it! Next on our list to try-mango! INSIDE Saturday & Sunday
- Walnut Hills Farm Did you know Walnut Hills offers a MEAT CSA? Stop by and ask Doug & Sue for the details. P.s. They will start back on Sundays every other week-so not this weekend but the next!
--TAKING A SHORT BREAK: Delvin Farms, Frontier Farms, Kell's Sunrise Nursery, Maxwell's Produce will return soon & we can't wait!
Featured Recipe: | Our recipe this week comes from our favorite security guard, TJ Cane. He buys from the Market and is always telling us about delicious things he makes with Market ingredients. This is an entire meal but the options are endless. Play with our ideas and feel free to send us some of your favorite recipes here. Enjoy!
On the Menu: Hamburger Steak, Cheesy Red Potatoes, & Saut�ed Vegetables
This is a simple to make crowd-pleaser that is quick, easy, & makes great left-over meals. A true Southern comfort with the options and versatility to go any direction (e.g. go Asian with it w/teriyaki or soy in place of bbq, or Italian with marina sauce & parmesan on the potatoes, and choosing different vegetables to saut� such as mushrooms, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, etc). Play & Have Fun!
Hamburger Steak
Ingredients: Ground beef, Vidalia Onion, Your Favorite BBQ Sauce (1-2 bottles), & Garlic Powder
Dice Onion and roll uncooked ground beef into the onions and then form into patties. Next pour bbq sauce on a plate, place the patties on it, and then pour more bbq over the top of the patties. Flip to ensure patties are well flavored with the bbq sauce. Place patties in a broiling pan and pour a thick layer of bbq sauce on top. Sprinkle with garlic powder. Put in oven on broil at 450. After 10-12 minutes, remove from onion and flip patties over. Add a thick layer to this side and an additional sprinkle of garlic powder. Return to oven and continue cooking until it is cooked to desired doneness.
Cheesy Red Potatoes
Ingredients: Red Potatoes, Seasoning Salt, Your Favorite Cheese-Shredded or Grated
Dice red potatoes and boil them in a pot for 12-15 minutes while Hamburger Steak is cooking. Drain and place in an oven-safe pan. Put seasoning salt over the top and enough shredded cheese to cover the potatoes completely. Place in warmed oven & maintain same temperature as Hamburger Steak. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until cheese is melted completely. Remove and serve.
Saut�ed Vegetables
Ingredients: Red & Green Pepper, Onion, Any Vegetables Desired
Dice or chop red peppers, green peppers, onion and any other vegetables desired or on-hand. Soak in a bowl of olive oil for 20 minutes. Place into a warm skillet on medium-high and stir frequently with a wooden spoon until vegetables are completely
Market House Restaurants & Shops
| Market House Restaurants & Shops Contact List
Chicago Gyro Tell Dindar if you'd like access to his salad bar on the weekend!
Fleur de Lis Flavors How we've missed you and are so happy you're back. Now to decide which flavor-Nashville Rising? Tiger's Blood? more? Open Weekends!
El Burrito we're suggesting breakfast anytime-ask Oscar about his jalisco omelette!
Farmers' Deli they're known for their burgers and great buns!
Howell's Farm Store jams are on our list this week!
International Market hard to find specialty produce-we've been getting mangoes lately!
Jamaicaway did you catch them on the Food Network? Ouida & family are back & bringing daily specials with them! They are closed on Saturdays for religious reasons yet open every other day. Find out why Guy Fieri loves this local favorite!Nooley's have you had their shrimp po-boy? Just do it!
Swagruha the potato curry. They will be at Earth Day this year in Centennial Park so look for them!
Flea Market |
If you haven't been to the Flea Market lately, we encourage you to check it out! NFM Weekend Flea Market is a great place to find a WIDE assortment of products at super-affordable prices. Several merchants have great hats right now-fedoras, women's, and always ball caps. Visit Mr. Myint in the shed closest to Rosa L. Parks for a great assortment! The Flea Market is open Friday-Sunday all , year round.
10 Things You'll Be Hearing More About Soon... |
- Incredible Upcoming Events April-May
- More Music @The Market!
- More NFM restaurant/shop news!
- More Night Market info!
- A new NFM website experience
- More Recipes, More Recipes, More Recipes
- The Return of Chef Tiffani Rozier to NFM
- Volunteer & Internship Opportunities with NFM
- An Update on our Grow Local Kitchen & Flood Restoration Developments
- SAVE THIS DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH to take some time off during the day and come down for an incredible culinary & community event! More info to come.
Thank You for Growing Local with NFM!
Sincerely, Nashville Farmer's Market |