Special Issue: Feng Shui and Health
"Feng Shui was made for times like this. When your home becomes your sanctuary, you need to love your home."

We recently shared our thoughts on the state of the world and health on our social media. The response was so positive, we thought we would share it to our subscribers. Be sure to also scroll down for simple tips and videos on ways to maximize your health and manage stress.

It feels like maybe we need to address the fear and concerns spreading around the globe regarding health. We get it. We do. We don't want to minimize anyone's feelings or emotions, fear for a family member, etc. Feelings are real.

But we want to remind everyone, as energy workers we have a special task. A charge to hold fast to EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. The more fear we share, the more we reap. What we put out - is what we attract.

Let's hold our planet and clients in the highest space - for the highest good. Encourage calm and rational choices. Self isolate if that feels right for you. Don't listen to panic or the media; listen to scientists. Focus on the good - healing light surrounding all of us. Strength and health is available for all of us. Take care of your compromised family and friends - and keep them safe.

Yes, we probably need to stay away from the bigger congregations of crowds. But should we stay away from the mom-and-pop bakery down the street, a small business trying to make ends meet? No, they need us more than ever. Just as we solo-preneurs need to keep working and loving what we do.

Get your health gua in its best shape. Remember your ripples of health can help. Keep focusing on your business.

Everything is energy. Let's share the best of us.
Specific Tools and Tips for
Managing Stress and Maximizing Health
7 Feng Shui Cures for Health, by Laura Morris

Improving your health and wellness can begin in the home with the help of some Feng Shui principles. Sit down and follow even the first three points you will improve your well-being. Even by spending some time taking stock of your surroundings and the state of your home you will be further ahead.

Tapping, also known as EFT – is a simple yet effective tool for clearing stress. (In fact, it may be the simplest and most effective stress-buster there is, outside of pharmaceutical tranquilizers!) And before you ask, yes – there is scientific research to support this.

Watch a video by renowned tapping expert and educator, Brad Yates on dealing with the anxiety on fear surrounding health.

One bout of vigorous exercise can increase circulation, says Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. "Whenever circulation is increased, you get far more white blood cells," she says, "so they check for foreign germs and are far more apt to be able to gobble them up."
How Meditation Activates Our Healing Mechanisms

We have all heard that meditation can provide stress relief, but the benefits do not stop there. Meditation also provides immune support, can lead to better sleep, and even better sex; it also provides the immune system a rest five times deeper than sleep. In this mini-episode, Dr. Mark Hyman sits down with his own meditation teacher, Emily Fletcher, to talk about the science behind meditation’s benefits.

"When you are afraid of anything, you are acknowledging it's power to hurt you."

Love it instead! Really, really love it! Hug it...whisper sweet nothings to it. Let it know everything is going to be ok, that it can stay or it can go, but either way you will love it!

Shift your focus - and see change happen inside you.

5 Ways to Boost Your Health by Going Outside, from Oprah.com

The warmth of the sun on your skin, the sounds of the birds in the trees—stepping outside can help anyone feel instantly better. But it turns out that the perks of greener environs reach far beyond your mood

Two doctors provide the best excuses yet for going outdoors.

If your hope is waning...when you think, what can I do...
remind yourself THERE IS GOOD IN THE MIDST of chaos!

Watch the video below of Italians across the entire country - coming together even under national lockdown - lifting their voices in song, in solidarity, in joy and definitely in HOPE. You can do this!
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The International Feng Shui Guild does not represent or endorse the views or beliefs of its individual members as expressed herein, nor does it represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the recommendations, advertisements, quality of any products, information, or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained as a result of any information in this publication. We serve as a reference and source for our members and the public.

Copyright © 2020 International Feng Shui Guild.