As I write this, both Kitsap Regional Library and Bainbridge Public Library have been
closed for a month. I miss them both. I cherish our partnership. This morning, I was in
the library and it was dark and empty. We describe ourselves as a “vibrant space,” but
it needs people to make it so. We are looking forward to reopening our doors when it is safe to do so and saying, “Welcome back!”

We owe a huge thank you to KRL for staying open as long as they felt they could, and
for giving patrons some warning so that we could check out materials to tide us over
during the closure. It also took courage to make that decision when they did.

We honor and are grateful to those “essential” businesses that are staying open and
serving the community, while keeping us safe and taking care of our needs. I have
seen creativity and compassion. Schools are continuing their free lunch
programs. Restaurants are doing take out. Grocery stores are pre-packaging
foods. We are honing our social distancing skills. We are all familiar with the saying, “It
takes a village to raise a child.” Now we can also say, “It takes an Island to keep us
strong.” Thank you for working together.

Our Facilities Committee continues its work, although not in the usual way. They are
dealing with projects remotely so that we are not losing all our momentum. They are
looking at things thoughtfully and creatively.

And, of course, we thank our donors who make it all possible for us to undergo the
projects that keep our building and grounds in good shape. We’ll be postponing our
spring appeal this year, but plan to be in touch later to request your financial support for some of our larger projects.

From the Bainbridge Public Library Board, I wish you health and happiness.  

Carol Schuyler
President, BPL Board

Kitsap Great Give is still on! Please consider donating to our local organizations addressing the COVID crisis.