A Special Parish Announcement from Fr. Henry
We Are Family 

Please join me in bidding both farewell and congratulations to Fr Jim. 

As Fr Jim is needed at another parish to become their pastor, we are both sad that he is leaving us, as well as happy for him in his new responsibility. This assignment is effective October 29, 2020.

Being a close-knit family unit here at St Jude, each one of us feels a particular sadness when one of us moves away. 

I know that I will very much miss my housemate of the past two-plus years. Of the many ways in which we shared in each other’s lives — living under the same roof and leading the parish community in prayer in the same church — I think I am going to most miss the conversation with Fr Jim, in the rectory, as the day wound down. We would chat and review the day. And inevitably Fr Jim would come up with something appropriate from his wealth of memorized quotations that summed up what we had experienced that day. 

Perhaps this time we could offer Fr Jim this quote: “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.” 

Please join me on Sunday, October 25, 2020, at 12:30pm on the Church plaza (rain location in the social hall) for us to formally say farewell to Fr Jim and/or join him in his final mass at St Jude Parish during the Novena on Wednesday evening, October 28, at 7pm and/or send him a farewell email message at fr.jim@stjuderc.com

In our common bond of being the St Jude Parish family, 

Fr Henry 

A Farewell Message from Fr. Jim
Every life is marked by moments of significant change: the first day of school, going away to college, starting a new job, moving out of our parents’ home, falling in love, getting married, and having children.  Change, in all of its myriad forms, reminds us that we are alive, and that life is a wonderful journey.

One of the most significant moments in my life, following my ordination, was becoming a part of the St. Jude family here in Monroe. Being assigned as the Parochial Vicar, to serve with Fr. Henry here at St. Jude on July 1, 2018, marked a significant milestone in my life: my first pastoral assignment as a priest. While it is through the Sacrament of Holy Orders that a man becomes a priest, it is in serving the people of a parish that the priest learns to become a pastor.

It is with a mixture of happy expectation and no small amount of sadness that I must bid farewell to my St. Jude family. Bishop Caggiano has requested that I take over as Administrator at St. Maurice Parish in Stamford, a community that has been without a pastor for several months. As I trusted our Bishop when he assigned me to St. Jude over two years ago, I trust that the Holy Spirit is guiding his decision now and that this change marks the next step in my journey as a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport. I humbly ask that you pray for me, as well as the good people of St. Maurice, as I prepare to assume this new role.

It is difficult to say goodbye; it is difficult to put into some few words all that I am feeling. I owe so much to the people of St. Jude, Fr. Henry and our Deacons, and the wonderful staff here for helping me to learn what it means to be a priest. I have had the honor to serve you, to be a part of your lives, and to journey with you. My gratitude to you is more than I can express.

The LORD bless you and keep you!

The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!

The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

- Numbers 6:24-26

St Jude Parish
707 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, CT 06468