Left to Right: Ashley W. Edwards, Ashley K. Quan, Peter M. Walzer, Christopher C. Melcher, Steven K. Yoda, Cynthia J. Ponce, & Ryan D. Wedeking
Christopher C. Melcher Receives California Board of Legal Specialization in Appellate Law
We are proud to share that Chris has become a board-certified specialist in appellate law, joining the handful of dual family/appellate law specialists in California.
Earlier this year, Chris also received his National Board of Trial Advocacy Certification in family law.
Congratulations, Chris!
WMY Welcomes
Guadalupe Becerra
We are excited to welcome Guadalupe Becerra to WMY.
Guadalupe is a California State University, Northridge graduate, with a degree in Sociology. Walzer Melcher & Yoda is her introduction into legal work and she is looking into becoming a paralegal.
In her free time, Lupe likes to travel, play golf, spend time with her friends, and watch a lot of novelas.
Steven K. Yoda Featured in
"Victims and Villains"
Steve made his acting debut in Musiq Soulchild's music video "Victims and Villains". In true form, he plays an attorney. Be sure to smash that "like" button!
On May 12, Ashley K. Quan and Chelsea Stevens (FMBK) presented "California Family Law- Discovery Issues, Asset Division, and More", for MyLawCLE.
On May 23, Ryan D. Wedeking, Hon. Hank Goldberg (Ret. - Signature Resolution) and David Shebby (Shebby Hirashima LLP) presented "Preparing for Domestic Violence Hearings: Procedural Tips and Traps", for the Beverly Hills Bar Association.
The Mandalawyeran,
Third Installment in the WMY Apparel Trilogy
Congratulations to Ashley W. Edwards and Cynthia J. Ponce for their selection to Super Lawyers Rising Stars list for 2023.
Congratulations to Peter M. Walzer and Steven K. Yoda for their selection to Daily Journal's Top Family Lawyers list for 2023.
The Traveling Prenup
by Peter M. Walzer
Although prenups have been around for thousands of years, courts in the United States have had to review foreign premarital agreements only recently. In a shrinking and mobile world, premarital agreements drafted in foreign countries will be more frequently tested in our courts. When we draft premarital agreements, we assume they will be enforced. However, we have no basis to be confident in that belief regarding the foreign agreement. Foreign marriage contracts, like cheese and fine wine, do not travel well.
Demystifying Choice of Law Clauses
by Christopher C. Melcher & Ashley K. Quan
We all have choice of law clauses in our premarital agreements, but what do they mean? Unbeknownst to many, a loosely drafted choice of law provision may cause trouble in enforcing a premarital agreement in another state. This article demystifies choice of law clauses to ensure that your premarital agreement is enforceable wherever you go.
A choice of law clause identifies the law that applies to any dispute regarding the construction of a premarital agreement. Without a choice of law clause, a conflict of laws issue will arise if the spouses relocate to a new state. If the parties execute a premarital agreement in State A, move to State B and file for divorce there, which state law will apply to the interpretation and enforceability of the premarital agreement?
Preparing Yourself for Trial
by Christopher C. Melcher
As a trial attorney your performance in the courtroom depends on your mindset, stress levels and health. But, if you are like most attorneys, you will spend all your time preparing your case – and none preparing yourself. To be at your best and have a happy
career, there are simple tips I have learned after many bad days in court on reducing the stress of being a full‐time litigator.
A leading cause of stress for courtroom lawyers has nothing to do with the case that’s being tried; it’s the fear of looking bad. That anxiety can become overwhelming. Your mind starts to race. You stop breathing. You can’t hear or see anything. Your brain shuts
down. What happens: you look bad. It’s a self‐fulfilling prophecy.
Christopher C. Melcher
Christopher C. Melcher
How-To Program
Christopher C. Melcher
IAFL Asia Pacific Chapter Meeting
Steve attended and spoke at the IAFL Asia Chapter Meeting in
Bangkok, Thailand.
We played pickleball with the president of AAML NorCal Chapter – Michele Bissada.
LA Chef's Ruby Table
Steve with journalist, Lisa Ling.
Steve and Ashley with Brandon Tsay, the hero who stopped the Monterey Park mass shooter by wresting a MAC-10 from the gunman.
WMY Cocktail Hour
ABA Family Law Section Spring CLE
Thank you to everyone who came!
Ashley, Chris, Leena Hingnikar, and Steve.
Anne C. Kiley and Chris presenting "Challenging Prenups & Transmutations".
BHBA Meet the Judges Night
We love to end the night with karaoke!