Summer Standouts
Knowledge started her first semester of college, and she is LOVING it! We are proud of her, and can't wait to see her shine academically.
Chanel began her internship with CEO and award-winning writer Felecia Hatcher. Women lifting women up is a beautiful thing!
Our Rock Stars, Our Champions
Thank you, PepsiCo for the delicious soft drinks and snacks that brought smiles to all of our residents!
Shoutout to Chef Gary Lampner for hosting a virtual cooking class with our residents, staff and board members! What a fun and tasty time!
We are grateful to the office of Commissioner Suarez for the donation of hand sanitizer and masks to keep our youth safe!
Thank to our incredible soul sisters at Soul Sisters Leadership Collective for donating goodies for our girls!

It can be a scary time with so many of our young men and women facing uncertain economic futures, we need our champions!

Now more than ever, join us in supporting and lifting up our youth during this critical time. Your gift today will go a long way in providing the housing and life skills our youth need!

Purchasing essential supplies?
Your online purchase can make a difference when you use Amazon Smile !

Just use this Casa Valentina link to do your regular shopping and a small percentage will go to CV at no cost to you!