Compass Cooperative Youth Ministry

Four Congregations Create New Youth Ministry Collaborative

Often in church we hear lamentation that there aren’t more kids, that Sunday School is “not what it used to be.” Yet where in our churches are children the center of the community instead of relegated to the edges?


“I hear people say a lot that youth are the future of the church,” said Pastor Megan Elliott of Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church in Seguin, TX. “I think they are the church right now. They’re not future church people, they’re part of the body of Christ right now. I don’t think it’s an accident that the Gospels have a story of Jesus being 12 years old and in the temple teaching the religious leaders.”

As a new adventure in youth ministry, four churches around Seguin and Geronimo, Texas meet Sunday nights at Spirit of Joy to bring together middle and high school kids. The four churches co-leading are: Emanuel’s Lutheran Church in Seguin, Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church in Seguin, Friedens United Church of Christ in Geronimo, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Seguin.


“It’s an experiment. We haven’t really seen this done before, and we are making it up as we go. Like Captain Planet…‘With our powers combined,’” Megan laughed.


The group, Compass Cooperative Youth Ministry, started in August 2023, not as four separate youth ministries, but one cooperative. It’s a model for getting more kids engaged in youth group by building a critical mass for gatherings; and for congregations to view their work as more collaborative, even ecumenical.


“We want to remind the congregations we are not complete until we place childhood and adult in the same importance as members of the body of Christ,” said Reverend Stephen Shortess, rector at St Andrew’s Episcopal.


“Youth group can become a safe and fun space where you can interact and become friends with people you usually wouldn't cross paths with,” said Clara Spencer-Dibble, one of the students who attends Compass. “I think the most important thing about youth opportunities in the church is that the space we have is welcoming to everyone, where we are free to learn, ask questions, and do acts of service.”


“We each bring a unique perspective,” said Pastor Megan. “The ELCA is in full communion with the UCC and the Episcopal church, so the ELCA is the glue among our four congregations. I think we all have a similar goal for our youth, that they are loved by God and they are acceptable as they are.”

Prior to launching the collaborative, the four churches hosted a brainstorming event, splitting youth and parents into two separate rooms and simply asked: What would you like to see in youth ministry here?


The organizing pastors were surprised by the preference for frequent gatherings, every week for an hour. They designed around what kids and parents wanted.


“I think it’s really important for kids to have a place with their peers and friends and explore their own faith, and start with the foundation that we’ve provided for them as parents and as a church,” said Kyle Spading from Friedens UCC, whose two daughters attend Compass on Sunday evenings. “With Compass, it’s not the same kids they grew up with in the church. It’s different people with different ideas.”


While this local cooperative may be unique, the ELCA broadly recognizes the need for more listening and innovation around youth ministry. Nationally, churchwide runs a new Formation Co-op, which matches guides with congregations to develop uniquely tailored youth ministry.


The Seguin cooperative members plan to hire a ¾ time employee to lead Compass, whose role won't belong to Compass nor to any one of the four churches.


“As adults it's easy to get jaded and cynical about the world, about life,” said Pastor Megan. “Youth bring this ‘I can change the world’ attitude that adults can be dismissive of, but maybe they’re the ones speaking the truth we need to hear. I think youth embody the message of Jesus in ways that we miss as adults.”

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