Katie carried plenty of living legacy, which at one point felt like a burden, before getting to Immanuel. Once she finally answered her call to seminary, she didn’t have to consider where to go: all four generations of pastors before her (all men) attended Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.
“I was the quintessential pastor's kid,” Katie said. “There were more than 10 years I didn’t go to church when my daughter was young. I call it my fermentation time.”
“I never thought that I would be a good fit, and I never thought I was good enough to be the person who could stand in the pulpit and say the things that would inspire people to be closer to God,” Katie said of her struggle before becoming a pastor.
Despite having worked in children’s ministry for 10 years, she continued having concerns about going to seminary, like the fact that she didn’t have a bachelor’s degree.
She finally heard her calling too clearly, while creating kid-friendly curriculum on the Sunday lectionary readings. Writing each one pulled her deeper and deeper into a feeling of connection with the Scripture.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, there’s no way this is me,” Katie remembers thinking.
“As I’ve entered that call, I’ve realized everybody feels this way! So why not be the pastoral leader who can say, ‘I’m not perfect, but look at what God is calling me to.’ If God calls me, God calls everyone. Answer the call!”
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, Immanuel Lutheran voted unanimously to call Katie as their pastor, after four years as part-time Vicar during her seminary studies. “I continue to be in awe of the faithfulness of this community and God's presence with us,” Katie said. “It was a beautiful day.”
Next up for Katie is graduation from Wartburg in May 2023. When asked what she’s most excited about getting her degree, she responded, “That I get to say I graduated from college. And that I get to graduate in front of my son. He’s been with me through the whole process, gets to see it all happen.” She will be ordained on May 20th.
Immanuel has taught Katie how a church can open up to the world, and she shows her church a joyful, daily example of just how to live that calling in community. As Comfort grows and changes, one place will be there with open arms: Immanuel, God With Us.