Sitting in an Upright Position and in a relaxed space, undisturbed and quiet, begin to reflect on all that this day has brought to you. Now begin allowing these thoughts to be released, so that Light can be increased.
Place your Right hand over your
2nd Chakra
and Visualize all the
in your body,
Layer by Layer
and begin to
all the
Bodies of Emotion
Identify where this
feeling is coming from (i.e., person, place, situation, work, family, etc.). As it is recognized per each occurrence, how is it affiliated with your body (stress, tension, anger, sadness, etc)?
What part of your body has it
, and begin to Release the stagnant, dormant or restricted energy.
As this energy field is 'identified' begin to see EACH negative Cell as an ENLARGED BALLOON, that has taken-on "excessive energy within your embodiment" or a "swelling” to these cells.
It is now time to tell these porous Cells of old frequency to be released.
Visualize a
Golden Light
entering through your
Crown Chakra
and going DIRECTLY into the Negative Cell(s) that have produced a noose or a tight hold around this Cell.
To '
' the
Golden Light
INTO the Cell, simply
As you see, feel or know that the old cell has been released from its energetic toxins,
and INCREASE the
Golden Light
into this cell for its
Repair and Renewal
Stay within this Exercise as long as needed.
In completion of this Exercise, ask that all old and negative energies be placed into the
Violet Flame of Transmutation
, in
Forgiveness and Love
Giving Gratitude
for your Healing Activation.
Grace and Honor to you
Mother Mary Martin