Sleep More During a Crisis: During a crisis situation, we tend to get less sleep and have more interrupted sleep. The daily stress and long hours along with difficult decisions and uncertain outcomes will take their toll. When we don’t get proper sleep, it affects all that we do and who we are. My worst decisions can usually be attributed to not getting proper sleep and rest. On top of that, we get worn down and end up sick. A good night’s sleep is vital for effective leadership and decision making. Science also supports short naps when we need them. Our minds and our bodies need rest. We need to give ourselves this necessary refuel.
Lesson to Learn: When I am rested, I am a much better leader and person. I need to focus on getting more and better sleep and rest to stay healthy and be at my very best.
Answer for Me: Sleep is a must for me. I must have more of it and it must be of the highest quality. I nap when I need to during a stressful and tiresome day.
Action: I must work on getting more sleep during crisis situations. I have added more exercise into my day. I wind down early enough in the evening to get to bed earlier than I used to before the crisis. Sleeping well can be my new superpower.
Daily Habit: Increase my daily sleep. I will monitor it, evaluated it, and work to improve my sleep.