The Black Women
of the
Suffrage Movement
North Shore Juneteenth Association
has curated

The Black Women
of the
Suffrage Movement Exhibit

This little known history is timely with the nomination of
Kamala Harris
First African/Asian American Woman Vice President-Elect
of The United States.
Invite your patrons to learn about the remarkable Black Women who paved the way and their contribution to securing the vote for all women!
Who we are & Our Hope..
North Shore Juneteenth Association Inc. is a group of community leaders seeking to create awareness and educate the broader community about positive aspects of African American culture, by creating events and programming that change the perceived narrative about Black Americans. The goal of our organization is to have all cities and towns help us raise awareness about positive contributions of Black Americans.
We have curated 10
22x28 Posters
Black Women that contributed to the Suffrage Movement. Our hope is that this exhibit will travel to libraries and museums through out the North Shore. We invite you to celebrate Woman’s History and Black History
by booking our exhibit.
Contact us at and please click here to view our website to learn more about our organization. 

Spread the Word
Please share this offering with your network!
North Shore Juneteenth Association
is proud to bring more events and programming to our community with your help.
To donate please visit our website and click the donate button at the top of the page.
We appreciate your support!
North Shore Juneteenth Association Inc.