"Everybody wants to defend speech they agree with., only the truly principled will defend the of someone to say something they disagree with, and hate to listen or read." - Cal Weyers

"The primary challenge in unconventional conflicts is political-psychological, multi-dimensional, and rarely susceptible to single-component strategies or orthodox political-military operations.  While all wars are political and psychological, in unconventional conflicts military operations quickly and pervasively take on political and psychological dimensions, often placing military operations in second place."
- Sam Sarkesian, Unconventional Conflicts, 1993 (page 22)

"The cold war...can be as destructive to the values we live by as a shooting war... It is clearer and clearer that the [Russians] consider propaganda as one of their most lethal weapons in the cold war." 
- 1961, US Advisory Commission on Information.

I do not mean to overwhelm your inbox so this is the last one I will send. But it is a very nice tribute from the Korean Defense Veterans Association that I very much think is worth sharing.

The photo with the former CINCs and DCINCs (and former Korean Military Attache to the US, MG Shinn) is a tribute to the importance of and respect for General Paik.  And the next time you ride on the great Seoul Subway system remember to thank General Paik as well.

And I would just add that everyone should read General Piak's book, From Pusan to Panmunjom to understand the Korean War from the point of view of a Korean who fought it.  We have so many books that are memoirs and histories written by non-Koreans, it is important to read ones from the Korean perspective.

KDVA Announcement
The Immeasurable Importance of
General and Ambassador Paik, Sun-yup
July 10, 2020
Former CFC Commanders and Deputy Commanders met legendary Gen. (Ret.) Paik, Sun Yup. As part of the 1st Former CFC Commander/Deputy Commander Forum in Seoul on Nov 14, 2019, Generals Kwon, Scaparrotti, Tilelli, Sharp, Thurman, and Jung visited the 99 year old General Paik who was the first ROK Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ROK Ambassador to several countries, and an infrastructure pioneer. General Paik helped build the ROK-U.S. Alliance into one of the most important in the world.
The passing of General and Ambassador Paik, Sun-yup marks the closing of the first 70 years of the ROK-U.S. Alliance, while his life and contributions to the Alliance serve as a great role model for the future of this close and invaluable relationship.  General Paik's role in defending South Korea against North Korea starting on June 25, 1950 is of historic importance to both South Korea and the United States.  He served as the division commander of the 1st ROK Infantry Division which took the brunt of North Korea's surprise attack, helped defend the Pusan Perimeter, and led the fight into Pyongyang on October 19, 1950.  Later as the first ROK Army Chief of Staff and first ROK Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he worked to build up the post-war ROK military.
After retiring from the ROK military as the country's first four-star general, he continued in public service as Ambassador to Taiwan, Canada, France, and several other countries.  Then he served as ROK Minister of Transportation and launched the construction of the Seoul Subway system.  He was also instrumental in the construction of the War Memorial of Korea.
The distinguished and very long history of General Paik's public service is truly immeasurable and unequalled. 
His life serves as an example for future generations to care about the ROK-U.S. Alliance, to work for the Alliance, and to do so with integrity, hard work, and understanding.  The members of KDVA are very honored to have known this great man.  General (Retired) John Tilelli, the former Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and U.S. Forces Command, captured the essence of General Paik and his legacy for the ROK-U.S. Alliance, "General Paik's legend goes far beyond his military contributions and battlefield heroics.  When I commanded in Korea from 1996 to 1999, his was the voice I sought and heard when we faced challenging situations because he understood both the ROK and U.S. sides, and how we needed to work together.  I have lost a most significant friend and mentor in my life, and my heart goes out to his family, the people of South Korea, and those of us who care and love the ROK-U.S. Alliance.  He was a National Hero of the Republic of Korea."
KDVA will carry on General Paik's legacy and lifetime of work for the Alliance in 2020 and well into the next several generations of people who care for and support the great Alliance.  
Paik Sun-yup poses in front of a makeshift barracks in June 1952 when he served as commander of the 2nd Corps.
Retired Republic of Korea Army Gen. Paik Sun-yup received the honorary commander title August 2013.
Paik Sun-yup poses in front of a makeshift barracks in June 1952 when he served as commander of the 2nd Corps.
KDVA is the premier association that supports and advocates for the people who built the Alliance and continue to serve it in U.S. Forces Korea and Combined Forces Command.  KDVA is a 501C(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Virginia.  Please contact KDVA at contact@kdva.vet, visit www.kdva.vet, and follow us on Facebook ( @kdva.us) and Twitter ( @KDVAvets).

De Oppresso Liber,

David Maxwell
Senior Fellow
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Personal Email: david.maxwell161@gmail.com
Phone: 202-573-8647
Web Site:  www.fdd.org
Twitter: @davidmaxwell161
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FDD is a Washington-based nonpartisan research institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.

If you do not read anything else in the 2017 National Security Strategy read this on page 14:

"A democracy is only as resilient as its people. An informed and engaged citizenry is the fundamental requirement for a free and resilient nation. For generations, our society has protected free press, free speech, and free thought. Today, actors such as Russia are using information tools in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of democracies. Adversaries target media, political processes, financial networks, and personal data. The American public and private sectors must recognize this and work together to defend our way of life. No external threat can be allowed to shake our shared commitment to our values, undermine our system of government, or divide our Nation."