Hello Friends and Clients!

Janice, thanks for this testimonial. I’m truly touched by it:

"Honey--I want to thank you for all of the support you have given me in initiating the LTC process for my husband. You approach the situation with deep skill and experience, with warmth and caring, along with passion and humanity. Knowing that I have your support in this complex process has given me confidence that with you I can do the best for me and Pierre.

I knew years ago when you first wrote our LTC policies that we had excellent policies that address the needs of this phase of life. But I did not realize how beautifully you designed those polices until now when I first have need of Pierre's policy. You knew exactly what needed to be included and built policies that would suit our needs but be within our budget. What incredible expertise.

You may publish this quote and use my name. And if I may ever serve as a reference for you, it would be an honor.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank you. Janice"
Uh Oh . . .

A reputable, recently completed detailed analysis concludes about half of older American households are likely to face income shortfalls. This study only concerns income. It does not address unplanne d expenses fo r long-term care “Spending Shocks”!

Meanwhile . . .

Some of us were smart and prepared for our long-term care in advance. Recent info shows the number long-term care insurance (LTCi) claims continues to rise. The amount collected from LTCi has also increased.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! I’ve seen an upswing in clients needing to collect from policies I’ve sold. This trend should continue, since most clients buy LTCi in their 50’s, but don’t need long-term care until their 70’s, 80’s, or beyond!

A Tri p in the LTCi “Way Back” Machine
Way back about 30 years ago, at the start of my LTCi career, I had to witness, in person, every application. To visit clients back then, I put a huge amount of mileage on my car.

Today, we take and transmit most applications electronically. When asked, even my Houston clients usually prefer applying electronically over meeting in person. This sure is time-saving for everyone.

We agents can now easily obtain non-resident licenses, enabling us to help clients in other states.

I have new “whiz bam” software that enables clients to see me and review their LTCi illustrations with me, all at the same time, from their computer! This is almost as good as sitting across the kitchen table from someone, and it’s far more convenient!

Of course , ubiquitous cell phones now follow us everywhere. They help me stay accessible and accountable to my clients.

Far more people find me online nowadays. These folks often know a lot about me and LTCi before they contact me.

Times have changed. Chances are I can help you or your friend, no matter where they live!
Your LTCi

I do not always get copies of correspondence from your LTCi carrier. I count on you to call me with any questions about your LTCi. Please do not tamper with your LTCi policy before you speak with me.

Spreading the Word about LTCi

I’m passionate about the need for LTC planning. I love speaking to civic or trade groups and offering the public accurate, current LTC education. I would love to address your group.
My speaking references and qualifications, as well as comprehensive LTC videos, links, testimonials can be found at www.honeyleveen.com .
The Queen, by Self Proclamation, of Long-Term Care Insurance