A Virtual Public Open House for the
I-80/Ashby Improvement Project
This Tuesday, January 11, at 5:30 p.m., Caltrans and Alameda CTC will hold a virtual public open house to present the Draft Environmental Document for the I-80/Ashby (SR-13) Improvement Project and inform the public about improvements being planned for the I-80/Ashby Avenue interchange. We are looking for input from community members, elected officials, business owners, and anyone else who frequents this busy interchange. We hope you will join us for a presentation, panel discussion, and an open Q&A period.

What: Virtual Public Open House
When: January 11, 2022, 5:30-7 p.m.
How to join: Visit www.I80Ashby.com or dial in at 888-344-3561 (English), 888-348-0479 (Spanish), or 888-386-0764 (Cantonese)

The Draft Environmental Document can be downloaded and/or reviewed at www.I80Ashby.com or on the Caltrans website.

Feel free to share this email with friends, family, or co-workers who may be interested in attending the virtual public open house. The webinar will be presented in English, Spanish and Cantonese. If you need other language assistance, please call 510-800-8924 or email us at comments@I80Ashby.com at least 72 hours before the virtual public open house.

We look forward to your participation!

About the Project
The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC), in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the cities of Berkeley and Emeryville, proposes to reconstruct the I-80/Ashby Avenue interchange to ease congestion, provide better interstate access, and connect pedestrians and cyclists to the San Francisco Bay Trail. This project was approved by Alameda County voters in 2014 under Measure BB and represents a direct investment in regional infrastructure and economic development.

About the Alameda County Transportation Commission
The mission of the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is to plan, fund and deliver transportation programs and projects that expand access and improve mobility to foster a vibrant and livable Alameda County. Alameda CTC coordinates countywide transportation planning efforts; programs local, regional, state and federal funding; and delivers projects and programs including those approved by voters in Alameda County transportation expenditure plans for Measure B, Measure BB and the Vehicle Registration Fee. Alameda CTC is a joint powers authority governed by a 22-member Commission comprised of elected officials from each of the 14 cities in Alameda County, all five members of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and elected representatives from AC Transit and BART.