Animas Valley Institute -  Guiding the Descent to Soul Since 1980

Friday, May 11, 2018

A Vision  
A Poem by Wendell Berry

If we will have the wisdom to survive,
to stand like slow-growing trees
on a ruined place, renewing, enriching it...
then a long time after we are dead
the lives our lives prepare will live
here, their houses strongly placed
upon the valley sides, fields and gardens
rich in the windows. The river will run
clear, as we will never know it,
and over it, birdsong like a canopy....
On the steeps where greed and ignorance cut down
the old forest, an old forest will stand,
its rich leaf-fall drifting on its roots.
The veins of forgotten springs will have opened.
Families will be singing in the fields.
In their voices they will hear a music
risen out of the ground....
native to this valley, will spread over it
like a grove, and memory will grow
into legend, legend into song, song
into sacrament. The abundance of this place,
the songs of its people and its birds,
will be health and wisdom and indwelling
light. This is no paradisal dream.
Its hardship is its possibility.

To read Soulcraft Musings Inaugural Introduction  click here
Upcoming Programs

Wildmind Intensive  June 20 - 24, 2018  |  in Colorado 
  Three Programs in Germany   June 20 - Jul 6, 2018  |  in Germany        

Beauty Mesa Quest
  July 16 - 27, 2018  |  in Colorado and Utah 
Soulcraft Intensive   August 1 - 5, 2018  |  in Colorado

Please visit to view all our programs.

Soulcraft Musings: 
Exploring Soul and the Human Encounter with Soul 
Soulcraft Musings are drawn from published and unpublished works by Bill Plotkin and other Animas guides and offer weekly trail markers (cairns) on the journey to soul. Each Musing builds on previous ones but also stands alone, and you can join at any time. You can read previous Musings here.

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