Issue No. 162  |  May 30, 2019
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
俗语 from Xi Jinping
yī gǔ zuò qì

Meaning: Finish your work in one go; (Lit. the first drum in combat can provoke a warrior's spirit.)
For example, 一鼓作气做事情 means 一口气把工作做完。

Original: “全党四场专题教育,习近平要一鼓作气抓什么? ​​​​”

This chengyu appears in an infographic recapping Xi Jinping's "Four Educations for the Whole Party" that will be implemented in June.
Rare Earths
A 人民日报 editorial yesterday posed the question, "Will rare earths become China's counter-weapon against unwarranted pressure from the U.S.? The answer is not a mystery." (稀土是否会成为中国反制美方无端打压的反制武器?答案并不玄奥。)

In seeking to answer this question for yourselves, instead of relying solely on English-language media interpretations of the article, it's best to read it yourself.

Job Opportunity
The Central Compilation and Translation Bureau in Beijing is hiring Translation Editors (Chinese-English/ Chinese-Russian). As a member of the Bureau’s team of translators, Translation Editors will work on the official English or Russian translations of central government documents, including the premier’s annual report on the work of the government, state policy documents, and the works of Chinese leaders.
Video of the Week
This 27-minute episode of CCTV's 今日亚洲 hits all of the current events keywords related to Huawei, the trade war, Trump's Japan visit, and more.

2019 AMS Next-Generation Scholars Program
Accepting Applications through June 8, 2019
Through tailored mentorships with renowned journalists, the AMS Next-Generation Scholars Program supports four young professionals committed to a career in writing about China. Each scholar commits to writing four pieces (each ~1000-3000 words). They receive feedback from AMS mentors with the goal of publishing these pieces in respected publications or websites.

Interested applicants should prepare a résumé, a cover letter explaining interest in and qualifications for this fellowship, a relevant prior writing sample, and the names and emails of two references. In addition,  please include a topic summary and work plan for the first article you propose writing in this program . Submit all materials to . All applicants should first register as members of AMS (sign up at ).

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