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A Word in Season

December 2 2023


Tonight while I was making dinner the Holy Spirit spoke this idiom to me. “The Tables are About to Turn.” Most of you are familiar with this phrase, but for those who are not, it means to reverse a situation from bad to good, or it is speaking of a person who was disadvantaged or in a weaker position who is now going to gain the upper hand. Some of you are about to have an advantage over the challenges that previously had the advantage over you.

Some of you have lost the joy that you’ve once had. You’ve been burdened down with worries, fear and fatigue. The cares of the world have been weighing on you leaving you vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. You’ve allowed him to immobilize you, and desensitize you from the Holy Spirits leading. Jesus wants to restore joy and release laughter back into His people. 

A time of rejoicing is coming to those who have been going through trying times. We have all been held captive to something in our lives, and the enemy is trying to enslave people once again through sickness, financial problems, family issues, fears and addictions. Don’t allow anything to take you off course from your walk with the Lord. Don’t allow anything to hinder you from His divine will.

Don't let the enemy's plans and strategies derail you from your destination. When difficult situations arise, use them to bring endurance and catapult you to the next level. Just as David came face to face with Goliath, we could learn valuable lessons as we face adversity head on. Use the stumbling blocks as stepping stones to take you a step higher. With Jesus you have the resilience to overcome every obstacle in your path. 

The book of Psalms chapter 126, speaks about how the Israelites rejoiced after their return from the exile and the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion. In the days of Nehemiah, when they came back from Persia at the decree of Ezra, they were rejoicing when they realized that they were able to go back and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. They were so filled with joy that they described it as a dream. 

The LORD says, “I AM about to reverse the curse and remove the heaviness that has been hanging over your lives. I am rebuilding those areas that the enemy destroyed. I will replace those things that have been lost or stolen. I will remove the heavy burdens and the weights that have held you down. Shackles will be broken, and captives will be released. The strongholds that have kept you in bondage are coming off.

I am healing the broken hearted and binding up their wounds. Allow Me to help you break free from the chains of addictions that you are not able to overcome in your own strength. Allow Me to set you free from ungodly lifestyles that have entrapped you, and release you from all toxic relationships. As this web of unhealthy patterns is removed, your mind will be free and you will no longer be tormented in your thoughts.

Allow Me to be Lord over every area of your life, and release you from the bondages that are keeping you from walking in freedom. I will break the restraints that are holding you back from all that I have provided for you. Take the limits off Me in what I am able to do. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. Victory shall be yours and laughter shall return once again.

As you have sown in tears, you shall reap in joy. You will go out with joy and be sent forth with peace. This is the Covenant that I have made with you,” says the LORD.

Psalms 126:1-6.

When the LORD brought back [a]the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.”

Psalms 147:3 (AMP)

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow]

Acts 2:28.

You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence.’ 

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