April 27 2024
The Lord is looking for believers to become “Ministers of Fire” and release His glory in a time when the world is in desperate need of a spiritual awakening. As we stand in a dry and thirsty land, the Holy Spirit is about to send a wave of His presence across this nation and around the world, but He needs believers to ignite this fire. He needs those with new wineskins who will be able to carry, and dispense the new wine.
He is looking for clean vessels who will be willing to lay down their lives and take up their cross. Those who have counted the cost and aligned their lives to His agenda will be used mightily in this end time army. They are those who will not allow the enemy to quench this fire or rattle their faith. They are those who will be set ablaze to go forth to fan the flames and stoke the fire of revival in others.
They will not fear what they see in the natural, because they are established in their faith, and steadfast in their beliefs. Nothing can annihilate their zeal and passion because they know they are equipped to overcome any obstacle that comes their way. As they stir themselves up in their most holy faith, the passion in their hearts will be rekindled. They are confident of who they are in a times of transition.
The Lord says, in the midst of challenging times, I am raising up steadfast believers who will minister to those in need. They are grounded in My word and know My ways. They will reach out in wisdom and love to help those in need. They will rescue those in desperate situations because they have been through challenging times themselves. They will demonstrate the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
I will anoint ministers of fire to release My anointing to this generation. They will go in My power and with My authority and they will be ablaze with My glory. I will send them out to rekindle the flames that have died out and revive the embers that have been left smoldering in the lives of those who have lost their zeal. I will make my angels winds, and My servants flames of fire.
Passion will be restored to the fivefold ministers. Those who have become weary will receive a second wind. I am rekindling the fire to those who are called to go out and set the world ablaze. I will send My winds and breathe My breath, as I fan the flames and bring fire back into your lives and ministries. Now is the time for My Glory to be radiant throughout the land.
What seemed charred, seared and stagnant in your life, will be revived. There are multitudes that are in the valley of decision, confusion and fear, and they are looking for someone to lead and advise them. I am calling those in the front lines of ministry to shake off the lethargy and rise up to where I have called them to be. I am calling My people to get in alignment with their assignment for the days ahead, says the Lord.
Psalm 104:4
Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.
Jeremiah 20:9b
But His Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back and I could not.
Hebrews 1:7
In speaking of the angels He says, ‘He makes His angels winds, His servants Flames of Fire.