February 10, 2024
If you’re someone who has a lot of dreams, it's important to be able to discern which ones are from God and which ones are from your own thoughts or imagination. While some dreams may just be a reflection of your subconscious mind, fears, desires or worries, others could be a message from the Lord. The Holy Spirit could speak to you in dreams to correct or direct you. Dreams are amazing.
He could use someone in your dream to deliver a message to you, prophetic word or even heal you in your sleep. Sometimes the Lord will reveal things that need to be addressed in our lives, to help us move forward without any hindrances. He will show us these things to set us free, and prepare us for what He has called us to do.
I had a prophetic dream last night that I want to share, and I believe that many of you will be healed, and delivered as you read this. In the dream, I saw an empty space in a room where an old hi-fi used to be. It was the hi-fi radio that my family had when I was a child. It had a turntable, radio and a cabinet with records inside. When I saw it missing I assumed that my sister and her husband must have disposed of it for me.
I was happy for that, but then I remembered that the old records from my childhood were in it. They were the yellow and orange “Golden records”. I went to see if they left the records behind but then I woke up. The Lord is showing me that this dream was not only for myself, but for many of you who may be holding on to things from your past. He wants to raise you up with a body of believers who are tenacious in faith.
He wants to use you to deliver people from the same things that you were delivered from, but He can’t do it if you are still living in your past. He can't put new wine into old wineskins. Some of you have gifts that the Lord has given you when you were a child. They are stagnant because you are allowing the enemy to stifle these valuable gifts. You need to forget the past, the good as well as the bad.
Jesus wants to use your past failures as fuel to catapult you into your future. Some of you sought supernatural experiences when you were younger, but you sought them with the wrong source. You wanted to know the future but you were misinformed and misled by familiar spirits. The Holy Spirit wants to be your source to lead and guide you. He wants to speak to you and show you things to come.
Some of you are called to be leaders. It is important to remember that you are called to serve and inspire, not to be enslaved to anything again. When you understand this you will be able to thwart any plan of the enemy that comes your way. The Lord wants to raise up David's, Joshua's and Elijah's. He is calling the Esther's, Naomi's and Mary's. Take off the old hat, the Lord has a new plan for your life.
Every experience that you’ve had in your life, good or bad, has helped shape you into the unique individual that you are. You are more than a conqueror. Now is the time to allow the Lord to equip you, and raise you up where you belong. Release the things that are not beneficial to your life, and those things that are weighing you down. Put an end to toxic relationships that are draining you, and devaluing your integrity.
Don’t allow your past situations to determine your future destination. Be set free to receive beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning. Forget the songs of the past that bring back bad memories. As you look back, know who you are in Christ and rejoice at how far you've come, Don’t look in the mirror and see the person that you once were, but visualize yourself as the person who God created you to be.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland,” Isaiah 43:18-19.
“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 3:12-14.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new,” 2 Corinthians 5:17.