February 17 2024
(PART 1 of 2)
As believers, we have been created, called, anointed and appointed to “Shake the Nations with the Glory of God”. This calling and precious anointing shouldn’t be taken lightly. It comes with tremendous responsibility. Just as Kathryn Kuhlman once said, “It will cost you everything but it’s worth it”. If we want to be used in miracles, signs and wonders we must pay the price. The Lord is calling us to a higher level of accountability.
God is not a task master and He will never violate your will, but to whom much is given, much is required. In order to be used as vessels of this mighty work, Jesus is beckoning us to walk closer to Him in deeper intimacy and He requires us to have clean hands and a pure heart. As we grow, we will encounter higher levels of warfare, but He will give us the wisdom to the strategies of the enemy.
He will show us the game plan to overcome every plot set against us. The LORD wants dedicated believers who give no place to the devil. He wants those with radical faith that go beyond the ordinary. If we humble ourselves and pray in accordance to 2 Chronicles 7:14, our prayers will eradicate the forces of darkness so that the enemy could no longer prevail.
If we are going to be vessels used by God in powerful and effective ways, we need new wineskins to hold the new wine. Jesus said; you can’t put an old patch on a new garment or it will tear, and you can’t put new wine into old wineskins or it will break. The wine will spill out, and the wineskin will be ruined, but you need a new wineskin so both will be preserved. Then comes the crushing of the grapes which is a stage that you go through to produce the new wine.
We need to let go of the things that may be hindering the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Lord is looking for those who He could trust with His anointing. There are some people as well as some churches who are running out of wine and Jesus is going to come as He did in the wedding at Cana and turn the water into wine. The Pharisees paradigm and way of living will not accept this new wine but those who are mature will be able to receive it in abundance.
Many Christians are being influenced by what they see in the natural and hear in the media. You may be going through tests and trials right now but don't be moved by this because whatever shakings you may be experiencing may be just the thing that will release you into the destiny that God has for you. This is the preparation for what you have been created for.
You may be thinking, if we have authority over the Kingdom of darkness, and we are called to shake the nations with the glory of God, why does it appear that the forces of hell have gained ground and are prevailing? Why is our country going in a negative direction? Because it’s up to the body of Christ to take back our nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and "heal their land".
Every believer has a unique purpose and calling in life and the Lord is calling upon every one of us to step up and embrace what He has for us. He has a vision that He has placed in our hearts that needs to be fulfilled. When we are all walking in what we were created to do, we will make a profound impact on the world around us. What is His plan and purpose for your life?
The Lord is calling the Abraham's, He says, I’ve called you to be an apostle, the father to many nations. I’ve tried you and I tested you and you were willing to give up that which was dearest to you. Your unwavering commitment and sacrifice have not gone unnoticed. It's time to enter the land that I have for you. As you go, I will lead you.
I am calling the Sarah's, Some are called to be mothers to the nations, and some are called to be apostles. There are women who are up in years, who will laugh when they hear the plan I have for you because it is impossible to attain these things in the natural. To those who are spiritually barren, sing O barren woman, it’s time to conceive the promised child that I've called and ordained.
I am calling the Jacobs, I now call you “Israel”. Through your winter seasons, I am working under ground. As you allow Me to work deep within your roots, luscious fruit will come out from the dirt. I will give you access to a higher level. I will show you dreams, and as you enter this new realm you will say, surely this is the house of God.
To the Josephs, you once had a dream, but that dream was stolen from you. You are despised because you are favored. You have been put down and abused by others but have not taken offense The pit that you were thrown in will eventually become your palace. The rejection, abandonment and abuse will soon be a thing of the past.
You have been falsely accused but you never let go of your dreams. You will be ruler over nations. I have given you a gift to discern the meaning of dreams. Others will come to you with their night visions asking for interpretation. They will call you a “revealer of mysteries” and you will prosper in times of famine.