A NOTE FROM OUR CEO, Raphael Holloway

As we all know, February is Black History Month. It is a time of year dedicated to honoring and paying tribute to all contributions, innovations, and legacies established by Black people in this country. In and of themselves, these contributions should be honored and celebrated based on the merit of how phenomenal, creative, and ground-breaking they have been. However, because of our collective acknowledgment of all that these individuals have accomplished while facing adversity rooted in systemic and structural racism, these achievements are held in higher regard.

Historically, the same systemic and structural racism has contributed to and influenced the current trend of the homeless population in Metro Atlanta, which consists primarily of Black people (90%). With this in mind, I would like to celebrate the trailblazers who live amongst us - those individuals who formerly experienced homelessness. They should be celebrated for overcoming barriers and challenges they did not create but encountered. Our formerly homeless brothers and sisters have strength, resiliency, and a level of dedication and perseverance that we can all learn from.

In addition, I would like to celebrate our allies who have provided the support necessary for our formerly homeless brothers and sisters to transition to stable housing. Because the philanthropic community has continued to make investments in Gateway Center, we have the capacity to provide the transformational services that open doors to stable housing opportunities. Our allies in the housing community have accepted subsidies to make their housing units affordable. Our employers in community have hired our brothers and sisters with limited work history and/or criminal history because they believe in the dignity and value of all individuals. Although I have only named a few, our list of allies in our fight against homelessness is extensive.

As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s remember that Black History is being made daily and should be recognized throughout the year. We all have the opportunity to befriend and provide relief for someone experiencing homelessness. By embracing a mindset of Everybody Vs. Homelessness, we will celebrate the accomplishments of those who have fought through adversity to become stably housed. By replicating these successful outcomes, we can eventually make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.


Raphael Holloway, MA, LPC

Running for a CAUSE in 2022

Now that it is starting to warm up, it is time to lace up and start training! Register for the Everybody Vs. Homelessness 5K taking place on May 20, 2023, and support Gateway Center as we strive to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in Atlanta! Limited-Time Offer! Register by March 20, 2023 for only $25!

Sign Up!

We also have a Corporate Team Challenge available this year!

Gather your colleagues and participate in the Everybody Vs. Homelessness 5K together. Appoint a Team Captain to get the challenge started.

Corporate Team Packages Include:

The Bronze Package- $250 for 10 Team Members

The Silver Package-- $500 for 20 Team Members

The Gold Package- $750 for 30 Team Members

Register a Corporate Team

Mark Your Calendar!


✓  Raise Awareness

✓  Get Active

✓  Make a Difference

✓  Have Fun

✓  Give Back

✓  Connect With Community

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New Beginnings, New Opportunities

New Beginnings is a short-term residential program that assists individuals experiencing homelessness who may be unemployed or underemployed and unable to meet the demands of their living expenses. This program assists our guests by providing coaching services that focus on identifying affordable housing options, providing workforce development support and training, identifying employment opportunities at higher wages, and providing referrals to healthcare resources.

This program serves approximately 40 guests annually, has a 55% positive discharge rate, and 78% of the guests served exited with increased income.

We are thankful to all of our individual donors, community partners, and corporate/foundation partners who support this program. It is a false statement that people experiencing homelessness don’t want to work. They want an opportunity, specifically an opportunity that allows them to support themselves financially.

Gateway Center Programs

We would like to take a moment to thank our funding partners who are currently supporting our New Beginnings Program:

City of Atlanta Emergency Solutions Grant

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John & Polly Sparks Foundation

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Primerica Foundation

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PwC Foundation

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Truist Foundation

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UPS Foundation

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For many of our guests, the ability to secure and maintain long-term housing directly correlates with the ability to earn sustainable income through employment. According to Mr. Spearman, a pattern of making bad decisions eventually resulted in his arrest, which caused him to experience homelessness. In November of 2022, Mr. Spearman decided that he wanted to turn his life around, and he enrolled in Gateway Center’s New Beginnings program. The short-term residential housing, intensive case management services, and career coaching that he received equipped him to make decisions that would lead to his long-term goals of obtaining sustainable income through employment and securing stable housing. While enrolled in this program, Mr. Spearman obtained employment, paid off his probation fees, and found his own apartment!

When asked what advice he would offer to someone trying to end their homelessness he said, “Never quit and never give up. If you stay focused, you can develop a plan for success.”

When asked how Gateway Center contributed to his success, he smiled as he said, “New Beginnings is the perfect name for this program because it set me up for nothing short of success, and I am very grateful. It feels great knowing that I have people in my corner to help me who want me to succeed.”

Donate to Gateway Center

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign Raised $318,000

Gateway Center would like to express our gratitude for the generosity you showed us through the Peer-to-Peer fundraising campaign, which has raised $318,586 to date. Thank you for your generosity and for choosing to be our ally!

Celebrating Our CEO

Georgia Titan 100 along with Wipfli LLP announced the 2023 Georgia Titan 100 and our CEO Raphael Holloway was one of the accomplished business leaders honored.

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Volunteer With Us

Gateway Center’s programs are making a significant impact in the community by helping those in need. See where YOU can get plugged in! Sign-up to volunteer today by clicking the link below.

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