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Where We're Headed: India, Smyrna, and Dallas

Our next travel will be to the World Trade Centers Association Global Business Forum from March 3-6 in Bengaluru, India. We are going to have an exhibit booth again this year. Companies that travel with us find the WTCA event to be very worthwhile. Just how worthwhile? See what Tungsten Global Consulting CEO Mohamed Cisse said about his experience at last year's event:


"I knew by joining WTC Delaware that it would increase the profile of my company not only nationally, but internationally through opportunities like this year’s GA in Accra ...Within two days of my arrival back in the U.S. from the GA, I was able to leverage the connections I made on-site and make my first sale and it was a prelude to a bigger partnership in another country ... the WTCA is phenomenal and helps small businesses take a global look at their capacity – I had made additional connections with delegates from Nigeria and Kuala Lumpur that I would not have had exposure to without the WTCA...sign me up for next year’s GA!”

To learn how you can participate with us, as an in-person exhibitor or through WTC Delaware representing you, please contact me at cstone@wtcde.com or call our office today at 302-656-7905. For a special discount to attend the Global Business Forum, register by January 31

And don't forget about our first networking event of the year at Painted Stave DIstillery in Smyrna on January 24. It is FREE but registration is required

The 2024 US-Africa Business Summit will take place from May 6-9, meeting in Dallas, Texas. Companies that travel to the Summit with us report excellent results. They strengthen relationships with African and US partners, customers, and suppliers, and learn about trade strategies and opportunities from corporate leaders and policymakers at the highest level of US and African governments and multilateral organizations. Of course, we will again host our Kickoff to the Summit on April 16. Places for this signature event are limited, so be sure to sign up and indicate your matchmaking choices as soon as we open registration. World Trade Center Delaware members in good standing have first choice for this event.

Carla Sydney Stone
WTCDE Premier Members
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Renewing Members

Belfint Lyons Shuman

Delaware accounting firm Belfint Lyons Shuman is a leader in its field. Founded in 1923, today the firm has more than 80 professionals and is one of the largest certified public accounting firms in the state. Its offerings include advisory, audit, tax and international services to meet the needs of regional businesses. Industries served include auto dealerships, construction firms, law firms, medical practices, nonprofit organizations, and more. Belfint director Stephanie Chapman, head of the tax and small business/international services practice, is treasurer of the World Trade Center Delaware board.

Learn more: www.belfint.com

Fulton Bank

Fulton Bank has branches in Delaware, Pensylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. Founded more than 140 years ago, it is today part of Fulton Financial Corporation and offers personal, small business, commercial and investment services. It recently created a Diverse Business Banking program to assist minority, women, veteran, and LGBTQ business owners. Janet Dougherty, senior vice president of commercial banking, sits on the World Trade Center Delaware board.

Learn more: www.fultonbank.com

New Members

University of Delaware

The University of Delaware founded the U.S.’s first study abroad program in 1923, and today is a leader in international affairs and building global relationships. More than 3,000 students come from countries outside the U.S., and UD students can choose from more than 100 study abroad programs. Its Center for Global Programs & Services is the home for global and international efforts, including advising and engagement opportunities. UD's first global program involved eight students who spent their junior year abroad in 1923. Ravi Ammigan, associate provost for international programs, sits on the World Trade Center Delaware board.

Learn more: www.udel.edu

Webster Marketing International

Webster Marketing International LLC represents business clients in multiple industries, including fertilizers, energy, medical devices, and telecommunications. CEO David M. Webster has more than 34 years of senior management experience in marketing, sales, and public relations. He is also on the boards of Citizen Diplomacy International and Sister Cities Program of Philadelphia, among others, and is a past president of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture.


Welcome New Board Members!

Please welcome JC Fernandez-Seoane and Dr. Ravi Ammigan as the newest members of the World Trade Center Delaware board of directors!

JC Fernandez-Seoane is director of foreign exchange at WSFS Bank and has also held roles at Santander Bank, Commerzbank AG in Paris, and Citi in London and Paris. He has also taught at Yale University, Northwestern University, the University of Toronto, Syracuse University, Manhattanville College, and Muhlenberg College.

Ravi Ammigan is associate provost for international programs at the University of Delaware, where he leads the Center for Global Programs & Services and UD's global engagement efforts. He is also an assistant professor in the School of Education, and has held positions at Michigan State University and Kendall College.

Register Today: WTC Events Coming Up

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Sign up today for Wednesday's free event at Painted Stave Distilling!

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Feb. 8, 5-7 p.m.

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Startup302 Grants Available

Startup302 is a pitch competition focused on high-growth, early-stage startups led by founders from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds, LBGTQ+, and women. Win up to $25,000 for your startup; apply by Monday, January 29, at 11:55 p.m. World Trade Center Delaware is a sponsor of this great opportunity.

Startup302’s goals are to strengthen Delaware’s innovation ecosystem by improving access to funding and mentorship for underrepresented entrepreneurs while fostering diverse perspectives, promoting inclusive and equitable consideration, and attracting diverse communities of founders to the region.

In the first three years, more than 200 startups applied and 37 awards were granted for a total of $643,000.

Learn More & Apply

EDGE Grant Webinars Offered

EDGE grants from the Delaware Division of Small Business award up to $100,000 to recent startups. The application cycle opens Feb. 1 to March 1, so learn how to boost your application today!

Sign Up and Discover More

WTC Visits Delaware Ag Week

By Seyeon Min, Research and Trade Development Intern

I attended Delaware Agriculture Week last week held at the Delaware State Fairgrounds from Monday, January 8 to Thursday, January 11, 2024. It was presented by the Delaware Department of Agriculture, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, and Delaware State University Cooperative Extension. The four-day event offers many sessions featuring agronomy, animal science, beekeeping, fruits and vegetables, woodland management, and more. Participants had the opportunity to participate in training leading to continuing education credits in nutrient management, pest management, and Certified Crop Advising for both Delaware and Maryland. 

Delaware’s agricultural industry is the largest component of Delaware’s economy and contributes to both local and regional markets. The state’s favorable climate and fertile soil support the cultivation of a variety of crops and products. Delaware is known for its poultry growing and processing industry and produces soybeans, corn, wheat, and some dairy. Overall, Delaware’s agricultural industry provides 69,000 jobs and $10.3 billion in economic activity, and contributes to the nation’s food supply. According to the 2023 Feeding the Economy Report, the state’s 2,300 family-owned farms generated $1.5 billion in direct sales to consumers.

To better understand Delaware’s ag industry, I interviewed industry and government experts.

James Fisher, communications manager at the Delmarva Chicken Association, shared the data about Delaware chicken economic impact from the National Chicken Council, USPOULTRY, and DCA:

In the past year, the association raised 596 million chickens, producing an impressive 4.4 billion pounds of chicken, and generating a record-breaking $5 billion in wholesale value. This marks the most productive year in commercial poultry’s 100-year history. In terms of financial milestones, the chicken companies set a record by spending $1.6 billion on feed ingredients. 

Companies that produce and process chicken are an integral part of Delaware’s economy. Producers and processors of chicken, along with the companies that provide supplies and materials to the industry, provide well-playing jobs in the state, and pay significant amounts of taxes to state and federal governments. In fact, in 2022, the industry was responsible for as much as $6.99 billion in total economic activity throughout the state, creating or supporting as many as 26,468 total jobs. It also generated sizeable tax revenues. In Delaware, the industry and its employees pay about $401.07 million in federal taxes and $138.02 million in state and local taxes. These achievements underscore the dedication and collaborative spirit within the community. 

Mark Kilimnik works as an international trade specialist at the U.S. Commercial Service Philadelphia:

The State Exports and State Trade by Country of Origin and Destination data provide different approaches of reporting internationally traded commodities by State. The USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) compiles data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census for the State Trade by Country of Origin and Destination dataset. According to the figure of the United States Trade Representative, Delaware had a great impact on broiler meat ($129.9), soybeans ($54.8), feeds and other feed grains ($38.2), and corn ($23.9) in 2022 (million nominal dollars). Following the numbers from U.S. agricultural exports, commodity detail by the state, Delaware recorded $353.7 million in 2022, ranking 40th among all regions in the United States. To add, about 1,500 companies in Delaware exported in 2021 (89% of them were SMEs).

Delaware is at the forefront of some of the most modern advances in the fields of food and agriculture, with close collaboration between its agriculture, advanced chemicals, and life sciences sectors. Life sciences companies based in Delaware utilize biologists, animal scientists, and chemists to develop pharmaceutical products for agribusiness. Meanwhile, multinational companies contribute to the industry by advancing research and development in areas such as crop breeding and digital agriculture. 

Dole Grows Service at Port of Wilmington

Dole Food Company has expanded second-vessel service to the Port of Wilmington, increasing its tropical fruit shipments to the U.S. The company has a 15-year lease at the port with two optional 10-year extensions, lasting until 2048. Read more from Delaware Business Times:

Full Story

Junk Fee Ban Comment Period Extended

The Federal Trade Commission has extended the deadline to Feb. 7 for public comment on its proposed junk fee ban, prohibiting hidden charges and fees that are estimated to cost consumers tens of billions each year. The FTC is interested in research or studies about unexpected charges and in practical perspectives about how junk fees impact consumers and businesses, including small businesses.

Read and Comment Here

WTC Delaware provides a full range of international trade-related services with an in-depth focus on export/import of services and manufactured goods. These pages contain brief information on opportunities that could offer exciting possibilities for U.S. companies in a variety of industry sectors.

  • BRAZIL: Train Rails 
  • MEXICO: EV Charging Station Suppliers 
  • COLOMBIA: Railway Equipment 
  • EURASIA: Recent RFPs 
  • KOSOVO: Wastewater Treatment Plant 
  • MOROCCO: Drinking Water Supply and WWTPs 
  • MEXICO: Wastewater Treatment Plant 
  • UKRAINE: Water Supply Infrastructure 
  • TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Energy Equipment 
  • NORTH MACEDONIA: Gas Interconnector 
  • COLOMBIA: Offshore Wind Development 
  • UKRAINE: Oil and Gas Field Development

View the most recent trade leads here.

Delaware companies: Please fill out our trade leads form so we can market your products or services!


February 8

International Networking @ Yards Brewery – The Path to High Impact Business & Successful Entrepreneurial Activities

February 22

Sixth Annual Tastes of Chocolate and Beer from Around the World

February 27

ExporTech Kickoff, MEP National Network

March 3-6

World Trade Centers Association Global Business Forum, Bengaluru, India

April 16

Kickoff to U.S.-Africa Business Summit, Wilmington

May 4-9

U.S.-Africa Business Summit, Dallas

May 13-19

Trade Winds Access Europe and Eurasia, Istanbul, Turkey

June 13

Annual EXIM Training, Wilmington 

June 17-21

USA Security and Defense Paviliion at EUROSATORY


Delaware State University is one of the nation's preeminent Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Founded more than 130 years ago, today DSU offers a variety of degrees on its 356-acre campus -- 3 associate, 48 undergraduate, 23 master's programs, and six doctoral programs. DSU has more than 6,200 students and offers programs in Dover, Georgetown, Wilmington, and online.


January 29

187th Annual Dinner, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce

January 31

New Castle County Open for Business, New Castle County Chamber of Commerce

January 31

Recursos para Exportar Productos y Servicios a Mercados Globales, U.S. Commercial Service and U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

February 6

17th Annual Economic Forecast Luncheon: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, New Castle County Chamber of Commerce

February 22

Update on CE Mark and RoHS/REACH (Chemicals), MidAtlantic District Export Council

June 6-7

EXIM 2024 Annual Conference


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World Trade Center® Delaware is the State’s premier international business resource. We help companies, especially small, medium-sized and emerging enterprises, to grow their international business. We provide trade leads, training programs, job leads, networking, matchmaking, trade mission and reverse trade mission opportunities for Delaware companies. We serve all types of companies in various sectors including agriculture, environmental remediation, IT, medical equipment manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, financial, legal and real estate services.  For more information visit us at www.wtcde.com.
World Trade Center Delaware
42 Reads Way, Suite B
New Castle, DE 19720
ph: 302-656-7905

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