Supporting students in recovery from substance use is a critical issue that the college environment can help facilitate. Students in recovery are often challenged by environments and situations that offer easy access to drugs and alcohol.
Group of people putting their fists together at a table
CELT Teaching Tip • March 25, 2021
A focus on health: Students in addiction recovery
Supporting students in recovery from substance use is a critical issue that the college environment can help facilitate. All students, but particularly those in recovery, benefit from classroom environments that promote a sense of belonging with instructors knowledgeable about ISU resources of support.  

We invite you to attend the webinar, Students in Addiction Recovery: What faculty should know to create supportive classrooms, Apr. 13 (1-1:50 p.m., register via Zoom). The presenters from Student Wellness and Counseling Services will share information about students in recovery (both at ISU and nationally), discuss how to foster an inclusive learning environment to supports students, and provide best practices about how we can connect students to resources (e.g., ISU's Collegiate Recovery Community), and create an affirming space for optimal learning.

Brian Vanderheyden, M.Ed, CHES, Director, Student Wellness
Carlos Vidales, M.S, CRC Graduate Coordinator, Student Wellness 
Sydney Dunn, LMHC; Clinical Therapist & Substance Use Services Coordinator, Student Counseling Services

We hope to see you there,

Sara Marcketti, Director 
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Alice Alipour, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE), has been teaching at Iowa State University for six years. Alipour received the Excellence in Remote Instruction COVID-19 Exceptional Effort Award for transforming and improving the delivery of CE 332: Structural Analysis I, one of the most challenging courses in the structural engineering program.

Morrill Hall with upcoming deadlines
Teach your class at the Student Innovation Center (Due by Apr. 4)
Do you teach a course that inspires students to innovate through experimentation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the free exchange of ideas? Submit your proposal through the Student Innovation Center's Teach a Course request form by Apr. 4.

CELT Summer Course Design Institute (CDI) 2021 (Due by Apr. 30)
The CELT Summer CDI will occur on May 17, 19, 24, and 26 (9-10:15 a.m., followed by 30-minutes of optional guided discussion along with individual/group consultations). The CDI is an online interactive, hands-on, and collaborative opportunity for ISU instructors to build skills and have time and space to design or substantially revise their courses in the online or hybrid environment. Registration will close on April 30, or when we are at our capacity of 40 participants. To learn more and register, visit the CELT Summer Course Design Institute 2021 page.
Upcoming Programs written in white on an image of the Iowa State University campus with Morrill Hall in the middle
Locate the descriptions/registration information on each of the listings below along with the CELT’s programming schedule:

Award-Winning Seminar Series
  • Lessons learned from developing a hybrid course for an experiential-learning class with Grant Thompson & Marcus Jansen, Apr. 1 (1-2 p.m.)

Course Design

Equity and Inclusion

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
  • Discuss Published Education Research in Your Discipline (DBER Journal Club), Apr. 5 (4-5 p.m.)

Tech Tools
Meghan Gillette
Online Team-Based Learning (TBL) Workshop Series
Apr. 7, 14, 21, & 28 (2:15-4:15 p.m.)

Meghan Gillette, Human Development and Family Sciences (HSCI), and CELT Faculty Affiliate will facilitate this series for ISU participants to explore how to use TBL in their classrooms. This series meets for four consecutive Wednesdays: Register via this TBL Series Zoom form
Improve your course by engaging in an upcoming Quality Matters program
Explore tools and processes to continuously improve your courses by attending one or more of the following:
Susan Fleming and Jay Newell
Panel: Effective practices for giving interactive feedback with Canvas
Apr. 9 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.) 

Join the ISU Online Learning Community to hear how Jay Newell, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication (LAS); and Susan Fleming, Marketing (IVYCOB) use annotated feedback in SpeedGrader, outcome-based rubrics, and more! Register via this Apr. 9 ISU-OLC Zoom form.
Patterns unfolding at Reiman Gardens with Sara Merritt
Apr. 14 (12:05-12:55 p.m.)

Reiman Gardens' Education Manager Sara Merritt will lead our discussion by first sharing unique horticultural displays, programs, and events associated with this exhibit intended to provide the Ames community with a place to contemplate, meditate, recenter, and heal. Register via this Apr. 14th Zoom form.
Instructional Tools News and Updates
Recent news about Canvas and more!
Bookmark the CELT's Instructional Tools News & Updates page. Recent posts include:

Questions about these updates? Email [email protected] or attend an online training from one of the learning tech partners.

support written in white letters on a photo of people working on laptops
  • Canvas support: Locate the ? Help menu (far left of your screen in Canvas) and use one of the resources or 24/7 support, call 515-294-4000 (listen to prompts for Canvas support).
  • Technical support: ISU Solution Center, email [email protected] or call 515-294-4000.
  • Pedagogical support: CELT Response Team is available each Tuesday-Friday (11 a.m.-1 p.m.). Call 515-294-5357. Or, contact our CELT instructional designers by emailing your course title, describing the question or issues you have, and the steps to replicate it to [email protected]. This step will also create a ServiceNow ticket for easy tracking.
  • Local support: Contact your local support.
Prefer a Print version?
To view the Teaching Tip as a printable document with the short URLs for the web addresses, download the CELT Teaching Tip for March 25, 2021 (PDF) (

About us
Our mission, "Partnering with educators to advance student-centered learning at Iowa State University."
Our CELT Teaching Tip is published bi-weekly on Thursdays. Questions? Email [email protected].