Issue: 8
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CD Autism Newsletter


Hello Everyone!

Welcome back. We are happy to report that the number of children who have lost a diagnosis of autism with the help of chlorine dioxide and Kerri's Protocol has now grown to 96, our international Facebook groups are growing by the day and more and more families are reporting significant gains.

Thank you for joining us again!

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An article from Dr. Simon Yu, MD
AutismOne on Healing Autism:
An Accidental Cure by Optimists
Dr. Yu has written an extremely interesting article mentioning Kerri, Andreas Kalcker and their successes healing autism with the help of chlorine dioxide and ridding the body of parasites.

"Andreas Kalcker and Kerri Rivera are true optimists in the midst of skeptics and pessimists. They see unlimited potential for the cure for autism based on diet, nutrition, and parasite eradications using chlorine dioxide and parasite medications. If you want to know more about autism and what is possible, I highly recommend reading Healing (the Symptoms Known as) Autism, by Kerri Rivera."

Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) proven to defeat Malaria

Watch the following video taped in Uganda featuring members of the Red Cross.

LEAKED: Proof the Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases with MMS
LEAKED: Proof the Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases with MMS

NaturalNews.com (which has an international readership of over 360,000) also covered this breaking story here.

A feature length documentary chronicling a revolutionary approach to recovering children with Autism!

The Road to Recovery: Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

The Mission:

Our mission is to renew hope in families who feel they have exhausted every avenue of Autism recovery.  When you are in the world of Autism, every aspect of it consumes your life and the one and only goal is healing your child.  It is not unheard of for families to go bankrupt seeking out new treatments, paying for lab tests, getting the child into therapy, and paying out of pocket for doctors who specialize in the treatment of Autism.


The goal of this film is to spread the word that the symptoms of Autism can be reversed.  Our son was born a happy, healthy baby, but after his DTaP vaccination at 15 months, he lost the light in his eyes.  We have struggled for two years with various treatments to reclaim our son. It wasn't until we discovered the Chlorine Dioxide and Parasite Protocols developed by Kerri Rivera and Andreas Kalcker that hope returned. 


The Film:


1) The spine of the film will follow a minimum of one family from the beginning of the protocol. This will include a thorough documentation of the family's history with Autism, interviews with their doctors to verify the diagnosis, the struggles they may encounter while working through the protocol, and the joys they will experience as they witness the recovery of their child. 


2) Interviews and explanation of the Chlorine Dioxide and Parasite Protocol with Kerri Rivera and Andreas Kalcker.


3) Interviews and brief vingettes of a minimum of five families who have recovered their children using this protocol.

This documentary will be used as a companion to Kerri Rivera's book "Healing the symptoms known as Autism".


We at CD Autism need your help! If you would consider contributing, please do! If you can please email this link to your contacts, or put it on your Facebook page, please do! We need all the attention we can get, to keep spreading the message that autism is avoidable, treatable and curable!



Read more here.

In This Issue
An Article from Dr. Simon Yu
MMS Proven to defeat Malaria
A new documentary on healing autism


CD Autism exists and is maintained thanks to generous donations of parents who have been helped by this information on their journey toward autism recovery.

Handy Links
Countries using CD for Autism

Did you know that families all over the world are using CD for autism?  Over 3,000 families in over 3 dozen countries, and those are the ones we know about! Click here to see a list of all the countries using CD for autism.
If there's something you'd like to see in the CD Autism Newsletter, or you've got a miracle that you would like featured, then please write us at kerri@cdautism.org.

Autism is Avoidable, Treatable and Curable!

Kerri & Kim
CD Autism