Dear Incarnation members,

I am writing this on November 1st, 2020 at a time when the days are growing darker both literally and metaphorically. We cannot know what the next few weeks will bring. Will Covid retighten its grip on New York? Will we have a successful and uncontested election? Will an asteroid collide with the earth? Given the tumult and tragedy of 2020 so far, it is hard to believe that better times are coming. Yet at its core that is Christ’s message, that death and darkness are defeated by the love and light of Christ, that God’s power is unlimited, and God’s forgiveness and love for us is without measure. If we put our trust in God, then we know that we will not be forgotten or ignored, that each of us is a beloved child who will always be cared for, and that we in turn are called to care for our neighbors as ourselves.

As we think about what that means, and consider how to respond to these troubling times, one of the most powerful tools we have is our ability to act. It is by taking positive action that we respond, both to the challenges of our time, and to the love God has shown for us. We cannot fight the pandemic or many of the other ills besetting the world today directly, but by taking action – observing social distancing, caring for our own and others’ health by wearing masks, voting in the election, and pledging to Incarnation – we can let belief and reason inform our actions and demonstrate the values that we hold dear.

By making a pledge to Incarnation, you not only affirm the value Incarnation has in your life, but also help provide the resources Incarnation needs in order to be a refuge and a channel of hope for our community. As we look to 2021, we can see that there are good reasons for hope. There has been extraordinary progress in vaccine trials, more people than ever have voted early and by mail, Covid treatments are steadily improving, and we are all learning how to work and worship remotely. As we work to preserve our Landmark building, enhance our online community, and prepare for an eventual return to in person worship, we give thanks to God for all the blessings of this life, and for all the new and marvelous things God is preparing for us.
Yours Sincerely,
Jonathan Vaughan
Senior Warden
Sacred Trust: Opening Our Hearts to God
The title of our 2021 Stewardship Campaign is “Sacred Trust: Opening Our Hearts to God." During tumultuous times especially, God is our refuge and the church seeks to be a refuge too. In confidence that Christ walks with us, we pour out our hearts in trust that God will protect and provide. And because trust is all about relationship, we give open-heartedly as a way of strengthening our relationship with Christ and strengthening his Body, the church.

If you are ready to make a financial commitment to Incarnation for 2021, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Or you can wait to receive a 2021 Commitment Card, which will be mailed out with Jonathan's letter later today. Commitment Cards represent financial pledges and commitments in service to Incarnation’s ministries in the parish and surrounding community.

If you are not currently on our mailing list and would like to be, please reply to this email.

Thank you for supporting the life and work of our parish.
A Resource for Spirital Centeredness
Many are feeling anxious and exhausted today. We encourage you to attend to your spiritual health, and Incarnation offers an excellent resource for just that.

Brother Bob Pierson from Holy Cross Monastery recently spoke to Incarnation's 20s/30s Group. His presentation is chock full of wisdom and suggestions for staying centered in God's love.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:8)