OPIN wishes you, your pets and your other family members,

a happy and healthy 2024


Someone raised a valid concern about the live animals that came to the December Christmas pageant and holiday fair that OPIN attended. The person had assumed the animals were "rented" petting zoo type pets. We hadn't even thought about this but, given that others may have thought the same, please be assured that the goats, rabbits & sheep are "rescue" pets. These last few years, the wonderful nonprofit, Apache's Promise Rescue, Stamford, CT. brought the farm animals out for the evening.


Join us on January 17th for a dog lecture. Bring your questions and concerns if you are having behavioral problems with your dog/puppy. Rob Mullin will answer your questions by addressing why your dog acts the way they do. Fixes are so simple once you understand the why and are able to respond to it. Coffee and sweets will be offered. This is a people only lecture.

So you want to try a new exercise routine in 2024? Come try out an Orangetheory class (in Ridgefield, Rte 7) while also supporting OPIN. Register online then make a donation to OPIN. You'll help yourself and OPIN at the same time. Every class participant will take home an OPIN tee-shirt. Use this link or the QR code below to register: Click to Register

We are sorry to pass on the news that the Connecticut Low Income Spay/Neuter program has already ended and will not resume until next fiscal year (sometime after June 30, 2024). The window of opportunity to take advantage is very short and this year was no exception. We will pass along the program re-start as soon as we learn of it.

Our Website: www.opinpets.org
For US Mail only: Outreach to Pets In Need, PO Box 488, Riverside, CT 06878
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